Chapter 1

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Authors Note: I apologize in advance. It's been quite a few years since I wrote fanfiction, but, thanks to some coaching from some friends, I've decided to give it another shot. Shout out to my friends '"Tiny_Breegull and outlander 17' for helping spellcheck, grammar check, and co-write. This chapter skips around a lot. I felt that I needed to give lots of info quickly and that's why this particular chapter is written this way.  Please give it a chance. Also, I'm giving the Reader a name, Iris Yukimura, because it's just easier to write it that way. Also, if you seen anything that says telepathy-just change that to mind reading. I'll edit it another time.

This IS a Hawks x Reader fic. The reader's name is Iris Yukimura. However, I've been chewed up and spit out by so many saying it's not a Hawks reader which is the only reason I've labeled it as an OC. 

Also, There is a sequel called The Reason. Check out my profile to read it when you finish this one.


I wasn't expecting to get a phone call at school at the age of fifteen to tell me my parents had died. It was a shock really. It felt like a bad joke. Both my parents were American heroes. My mom had mind reading and my dad had telekinesis. I won't get into their career, but they were popular at least. There was a raid that was suppose to happen somewhere in a relatively quiet part of town. It was made out to be a big deal when the news first broke wind of it and I vaguely remember seeing it on a TV screen at school. I was in home economics class when I got called to the main office. .

After my parents were laid to rest and everything from both of their wills taken care of, I was forced to live with my only living relative at the time in Japan. My grandmother. I knew it was rather dark but I knew she'd probably pass before too long and leave me alone. Hooray for me. I unfortunately had to fly to this godforsaken country and I fucking hated flying with a passion. HATE it. One bad pilot dropped the plane several feet and never coming on to the speaker to explain his shitty piloting and it ruined flying for me forever. Ugh.

Never was I so happy to touch solid ground again. I met my grandmother and stayed in a spare room she had set up for me. This was supposed to be temporary. I was going to apply to the hero high school here known as UA. I'd heard about it even in America. Supposedly it's one of the highest ranking and it also graduates some of the best heroes out there. At least, that's what it said in the pamphlet. I wasn't sure if I'd meet any new people or friends but it would be nice.

I totally aced the entrance exam using my quirks. Yes, quirks. I was blessed with both Mind reading and Telekinesis. I did ask the school if the mind reading part could be kept under wraps but they said all quirks had to be on record. People always trying to use me for my mind reading. 'Oh hey, could you read this teacher's mind and get the answers to the test for me please?' You know, that shit. I did make a few friends at least which was a huge benefit. Their names were Mirio, Tamaki, and Hado. They made me feel so welcome. Well, Mirio and Hado did. I think the poor Tamaki boy was going to have a stroke all because I smiled at him.

I also met another girl named Yura at a bookstore reading manga. We became quick friends too. She didn't have a quirk, but I didn't mind. We became close enough for her to let me stay in her rooftop penthouse apartment. She had some money from her folks, but she was never a snob. In fact she was quite the opposite. She also had a boyfriend that would occasionally stop by nicknamed J.J. Didn't know his actual name and I honestly didn't care.

I think I was almost a year into my new school year before my suspicions were correct and I received another dreaded phone call. My grams had passed away. Great. Fucking wonderful. I truly am alone. I never knew what bad luck I was. It sure felt like I was bad luck at least. She was laid to rest the following week and I went back to class like nothing happened. All of my friends kept trying to cheer me up and although I appreciated it, I wanted them to stop. I'm cursed. I'm alone. I think Mirio was the one that really didn't take the hint. Bless him.

Two years at U.A. high came and went and it was now sweet summer vacation. I was doing really well and even did an internship with the Pro Hero Mt. Lady. She's was a bit on the lazy side and all I did was clean and did all her paperwork for her. I had hoped at some point she let me get out there and do some real hero work. I don't think that was going to happen interning for her. I figured when the time came I'd look for an internship elsewhere. I'm just glad for summer break. I had pretty much mastered both of my quirks. The only issue I continued to struggle with was levitating.

You'd think that would be the easiest thing to master but I'd get too relaxed and my mind would start to wander.. Anyway, I headed out onto the spacious balcony of the penthouse and sat cross-legged and began to focus on my levitation. It was already pushing midnight and I couldn't sleep.

'Let's kill time until I'm unconscious.' I thought to myself. I felt so light. So focused. Nothing could bother me.

Focus .

Focus .

I'm sure I was already levitating, but I wanted to see if I could make it higher than just a couple feet in training. I'm not even sure how long I was doing it. I felt the wind pick up a smidgen but I ignored it.

"Uh, Miss?"

I opened one eye to see a pretty attractive guy with red wings a few feet in front of me. "Can I help you?" I was looking at him with only a light amount of irritation.

He had a small smile on his face when I answered and cleared his throat.

"I wouldn't recommend hovering any higher." He had both hands in pockets as he spoke to me. I blinked a few times not understanding until I promptly looked down.


I quickly realized I had to be at least two or three stories off the ground. I tried really hard not to panic as I looked back at him.

"Don't panic. You'll fall chickadee."

Too late.

I started to plummet back towards the balcony and I closed my eyes expecting to get seriously injured or die right in front of this red winged chicken dude. I honestly don't think I fell far until a strong grip was on my wrist. I opened my eyes to see him slowly lowering me back to the ground.

"I said not to panic. You need to keep a clear head. Losing focus is when accidents happen."

When my feet touched the ground, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I managed to squeak out. I still have an issue when heights I see and yet I still tried to am high.

"Aren't you the number three Pro Hero of Japan, Hawks?" Upon mentioning his name he revealed an enormous smile on his face. "So you've heard of me chickadee!"


Authors note: I felt like I had to get a lot of information into this. Be honest and tell me what you think

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