Chapter 24

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Why am I so short?

5'4 to be precise.

I glared at the top shelf of the closet as I tried putting a few seasonal shoes up there. I didn't need snow boots right now obviously. I had finished hanging up and putting into a few drawers the clothes that I would be wearing the most, although pajamas are always comfy in my opinion so why do we really need anything else.

I had already put my toiletries away first before working on the closet. I put the few boxes of seasonal shoes on the floor for now. I figured I'd ask Keigo for help when he got home. I looked around to see if I had forgotten anything, or maybe wanted to put anything else in last minute, and nothing came to mind.

After that, I called up Hado to still see if she was going with me to shop for a dress, which by the way I still wasn't thrilled about. I didn't even know if there was a certain color or something I had to wear to match Keigo or something. I've never been to one of these. How am I supposed to know? I finally got a hold of her and we met up at one of the stores.

When we entered the place, it was super quiet, and she helped me look around for something formal. She picked out several different dresses for me as we made our way to the dressing room.

"Okay, Try on these three first, and then we'll try the other ones." Hado said cheerfully as she passed me the hangers.

I walked into the dressing room, locking the door as I undressed and tried on the first dress.

"Do I need to walk out and show you every single one of these?" I asked her with annoyance.

"No, just if you really like how one looks on you. If you think it may be the dress. I won't ask you to do that. The guys aren't here for you to model for anyway." I heard her giggle.

I honestly wasn't feeling the first dress, too frilly. Second one was too itchy. No, not this one. Next.

I think I tried on so many dresses at this point and none of them were striking me as 'the one.' I was getting more annoyed and frustrated. Maybe I should tell Keigo to go without me. Nothing is looking good on me from what I can tell.

We had already been in the store for an hour and I could hear the worry in Hado's voice.

"Iris, are you not liking anything I'm giving you? Is it the colors? The fabric maybe?" She asked.

I gave a deep sigh as opened the door slightly to peak out.

"No, it's just not it. None of them are it. I don't know.. Maybe I should come out and model them for you or something.." I was about to give up until she poked me on the forehead.

"No more of that. What's bothering you?" Her eyes were full of concern.

"I just.. My mind is focused on several things at once I guess. I just, find me something different. Something that you don't think I would usually wear. Within reason of course." I pleaded to her.

She stood there for a moment as she thought about it and then her face lit up.

"I think I know which one to have you try on next. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." She turned and jogged out of the fitting room as I closed the door back and patiently waited for her.

Is it strange that I knew what I wanted, but it was just finding something similar? I waited for a few more minutes when I heard a knock on the door. I peeked out and saw her holding a deep navy and gold dress.

"Try this one. If this isn't it, then we'll try another store okay?" She was practically beaming.

I took the dress from her and nodded. I closed the door back and put it on. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and gasped. This was it. This was my dress. I opened the door to show Hado what the dress looked liked and she squealed.

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