Part 1

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Part 1

Demons and angels are said to be plural opposite of each other but we were made almost the same purpose yet humans disliked my kind for what we are known for and feared us for what they believe and blame what we represent... a harsh truth or the darkness of their heart.

Even how mortals like them thought of us that way, it never really matter as it was always been that way as its one of the system of this world has since they were created and was thought by the forbidden with. Really, humans are simple creatures indeed.

Its funny simple life of them can end like a blink of an eye for someone like me. Maybe, they just hated us because they found how were all different.

That what I always thought.

Before Humanity even exist in this world or done what have their great ancestor have done.

After all, human don't exist yet currently and all those thoughts come from the image I saw of the future that never change. A far future of hundred or millions of years from this day.

Sometimes, I felt older that I should be because I see dozen of foresight what could have been the tomorrow or days forward, years or more. It's simple one of the powers that can 'cheat' as the new people in far future says.

"do you bake...?" I stared at the visitor of the castle that seems out of place with their glowing and shining aura around them that represent what angels have yet this angel was more dazzling than others, it almost made me want to corrupt their purity. "bake?" it was odd as that world or action is not of this era at all but something that well invented years away from this day. Looking at their face that realize they have said something wrong and I almost want to take a 'picture' of them embarrass by their mistake but 'picture' don't exist yet nor photo. Painting did exist but that's out of question as this little angel in the devildom won't let anyone paint their embarrass face after all.

"I want to eat candy..." I heard them mumble dejected when they realize they wont get anything 'baked' from me at all. "and here I thought I can get some from the-" I don't hear what the rest of their words because they have stopped when they end up tripping at nothing. I wasn't able to help them prevent that fall as they done the stant unexpectedly, especially that's coming from me who knows almost everything that well happen. Well, this person have destroyed the thoughts of 'prediction' and come like a 'racking ball' as they well say far forward in time. "I have dried cooted berries if you want, milady." I offer them one as I helped them up from lying down in the floor dejected and unmoving as if they have given up from world because they don't have candy at all.

"THANKS~" They beam and snatch the goodies from my hand and start eating it like they don't have a plan giving anyone any, not like anyone would want one. After all, 'sweets' aren't popular yet. I watch them happily eat yet I thought it was one of those days that I cant help but liked how it come unexpectedly.

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