Part 7

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Part 7

The plan did work, through many timeline have pass to make the perfect one that well never disappear, finally maybe she'll be the one that well stay. Even if she have become human or a demon. As long she's here after the long wait. It doesn't matter.

"agh... I hate Lucifer dogs and Levi's Henry 1.0 so much..." I heard her mumble after she arrive from getting chase by both Cerberus and Henry 1.0 from the underground maze that she get lost too.

"oh hey!" she seems to notice me after she seat down from the sofa beat up and tired. Currently were in the student council room and no one else was here at the moment.

"do you want some sweets?" I have baked some in advance earlier and present it in the table. her eyes that before look like tired of life, shine brightly at the sight of the sweets.

"YYEESSS!" as if she have someone that well take off some share, she take all the cookies and put them it in her lap, though they remind me of hamster eating nuts as well a certain lord of gluttony, they look cute enjoying the sweets I made.

"oh now I know why your-arck!" I don't know how she suddenly choke her food when she at the very moment have an empty mouth after swallowing all the cookies on her hamster mouth. It look like they were saying something yet choked before they can even finish it. of course I helped her and give her some water and help her from her suddenly situation. "thanks~!" as if she wasn't choked with cookies and sweets she still eat them like a crazy greedy glutton hamster. She truly look cute...


"wut...? Did you just...?" she froze through it was a late reaction.

"you must have heard wrong, milady." I said with a smile that made them froze with intense red tint of her face and fainted on the floor and blood start to pour out like a fuse. I was shocked to see it but then I realize why they fainted while helping them get treated.

It seems that I discover a weakness of hers.

Oh how adorable she is.


Taking another picture of her having a silly smile sleeping with her nose full of tissue that redden with blood. I stared at my phone with two picture of hers on it.

Oh my, what am I doing?

Well, at least now I can take picture not like before.

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