Part 3

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Part 3

"you always going here, a place demon lark and live, Angel-sama." I spoke out one time when I serve some delicacy for our usual visitor. Their name is something that can take a demon life or wound them by just speaking it as it was something that can purify them like a 'holy water'. Indeed it become a taboo to say their name nor hear them say their name for they are the angel that belong to the high order of archangel that was created or born more special and unique from the rest. Like Lucifer-sama who earn the tittle morning star of the divine realm and the warrior of God, Gabriel.

"...I don't want to go to work." They mumble while looking nowhere near giving an eye contact as they feast on the food serve on the table. "I mean, this place is pretty fun~ there's no Lucifer here! Is the best part!" sometimes, I ask why they don't like the company of their 'brother', Lucifer-sama. Well, maybe because-

"oh my, its seems you're here, my little cute sibling of mine." I heard a familiar voice of the said person. I look up in saw another guest-or rather someone who's going to 'drag' someone back to the divine realm. Gazing down to the other angel in the room who now gone hiding under the table as if their trying to be 'one with nature' or rather the table. "I'm just a homey table! Nothing to see here!" hearing them denied their existent even though they can be seen by everyone. "well, homey table-lets get you home!" soon they were fetch out of the table and like a 'sack' they wear carried on the taller one shoulder and leaving me behind, though I cant help but chuckle at the sight of their eyes begging me to save them was quite adorable and funny at the same time. it almost made me want to help them. Yet I don't. after all, demons tends to find satisfactory and laughers at the sight of hopeless little lambs.

Indeed what cruel demon I am to not help them at all. Not that I can be any of help at their matter.

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