|35| Such Boring Work, Keigo

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"You excited?" Miune questioned, the boy shrugging carelessly as she raised a brow, "what's wrong?"

"Just nervous," the raven-headed boy admitted, clutching the straps of his bags, "I mean... lots has been happening at U.A..."

"Fair point," she hummed, opening the door for him as he thanked her, entering the Agency once again. He gazed around, greeting some of his sidekicks as Miune raised a brow, searching for her brother as one of them pointed out that he had just gone out for a coffee run. She sighed, entering the elevator and the boy observing the new designs. "Honestly... I don't get what he likes so much about coffee..."

She trailed off as her brother swooped down, raising a hand in salutation with a cocky grin.

"Yo, nice to see you two again~"

"Hawks," Tokoyami acknowledged.

"Sir," she smirked. The teenagers bowed their heads as he waved them off, taking a swig of his coffee. "What will we be doing?"

"Well, it's gonna be kinda boring today, it's just paperwork," he shrugged nonchalantly as the pair deadpanned, albeit following him to another room where stacks of paperwork were waiting for them.

"Hawks..." muttered the boy, jolting slightly as he felt the girl's hand wrap around his, unsure of why shivers ran up their spine. Seeing this, Hawks gave her a wink as she flushed furiously, leading her classmate to the desks as the Pro Hero hummed, using his feathers to assign them a few piles each. She groaned, banging her head on the table as Tokoyami winced slightly.

"Don't lose any more brain cells, I don't want a sister without a brain," he sneered.

"Shut it!"

Tokoyami sweat-dropped, silently questioning if this was their everyday life. As if the pair read his mind, they nodded, the girl more helpless than her brother's. He rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and continued signing it. Eventually, he left the room, saying he had to meet up with the HPSC.

Hours passed, the pair finally finishing their respective piles and yawning. Miune gazed at the clock, almost falling out of her chair as she noticed that it was already seven-thirty, the pair most likely having missed dinner.

"We've been doing paperwork for six hours?!"


"Hawks!" she yelled her brother's Hero Name, the raven-headed boy giving her a slightly wary glance. The said Hero popped his head in.

"Yo, you two done?"

"Don't 'yo' me!" He gave her an amused smile as he watched her storm up to him and scold him. It soon transformed into a sly smirk, hushing the pouting girl who had finished her rant.

"Now, now, Falcon, I'm your mentor and you ought to do as I say~"

The girl gave him a disbelieving stare, whirling around to her classmate who almost jumped, not expecting her to suddenly shake him by the shoulders with a childish whine.

"Do you see what I have to deal with every day?!" He turned to the Winged Hero who didn't seem to be paying any attention to the teenagers.


W-was that what I was supposed to say...?

"Right, the real internship starts tomorrow so go to your nests and rest up!"

The Hawk and The Falcon *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now