|48| The Strongest Nomu

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"You can fly?!" yelled Miune over the wind.

"I'm not flying!" he barked back, "more like... not falling! But that's beside the point, this guy's just getting started!"

"You... really thought..." struggled the Nomu, "that... your fire could... kill... kill... kill m-me?" Miune stared at her classmate's father in slight worry. She had heard that the Nomu that attacked Class 1-A were similar to this, meaning the black Nomu - which severely injured Aizawa - were in a league of their own. It lunged at the Pro Hero. "Are you strong?!"

"Fal, we gotta evacuate everyone," her brother muttered, stealing a glance at the black Nomu in front of them. Their eyes narrowed slightly.

Regeneration, huh? Apparently, at the U.S.J. attack, there was one just like this, one that gravely injured Eraser and All Might... meaning that the Black Nomu are in a whole new league of their own, Falcon paused.

Which makes this one something special, even compared to those others, Endeavor hesitated slightly, plus... it talks, which means-

"Are you strong?!" the Nomu asked again, lunging for the Hero.

"I'll take you alive, and make you cough up all you know," he snarled, irritated and attacked with Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider. His blazing attack didn't seem to faze the inhumane creature, as it only sent him flying through the building, shattered glass flying in the restaurant and the man was sent to the other side of the skyscraper, growling slightly. He was released, his flames continuing to light in fury as he watched the Nomu squirm.

Inside the building, both Hawks and Falcon's feathers flickered, the siblings struggling to keep themselves steady as they adjusted their visors.

"Get it together, Number 1..."

The pair gritted their teeth, their bronze eyes widening as the building was sliced in half. Detaching their feathers from their backs, the red objects quivered in anticipation and instantly zipped to the falling citizens.

Screams... rapid breathing... rustling clothes... every little vibration that people make; sense it all, feathers. We can't manage the whole building, combined, we don't have merely enough feathers. Just focus on the people who are in the damaged parts!

"Endeavor!" they yelled, their feathers returning to form their majestic, scarlet wings; they made no hesitation to instantly soar out of the building to see him struggling against it, "all 76 individuals have been removed from the damaged part of the building!"

"Is that all you've got?!"

"Not even close!" he shot back, gritting his teeth, willing himself to burn it to bits and cutting it apart, the debris and wind sending the No 2 and 3 Heroes flying.

"Haven't you... ever cooked... anything?!" Falcon struggled, the pair crashing down onto a building and tumbling over, struggling to steady themselves.

"When chopping, you gotta make the pieces uniform," agreed Hawks.

"Quit yapping and tighten your sloppy moves," he snarled, not in the mood for an argument.

"When we send out too many feathers, our flying takes a hit," they shot back.

"Birds..." it panted, redirecting their attention back to it, "d... don... don't... inter... interfere..."

"How many Quirks does he have?!" whisper-yelled the girl, the trio watching and running his known Quirks through their mind.

He FLIES via shoulder-mounted jets, his TRANSFORMING ARMS aid in his flight but they can also stretch and split apart... they're enhanced by MUSCULAR ENHANCEMENT, and he has enough POWER to smash straight through reinforced concrete, as well as REGENERATION, Endeavor thought, eyes widening slightly as new Nomu began to appear, and the sixth... FISSION! They're a different colour, though... so maybe they're just stored in its body?

His eyes warily followed its movements.

"Taking this... thing at face value," the girl murmured to the adults, "it's out to fight someone strong, which is pretty common thinking for Villains..."

"So to keep the fight with me going, it's diverting our backup," the man realised, "I'm really starting to overheat..."

"Go away!" an unfamiliar voice screamed, the siblings instantly rushing to their aid. Hawks stole a glance at Endeavor.

"We'll focus on the citizens and the other Nomu, are you going to be alright dealing with black one alone?!"

He didn't respond, too distracted in the fight.

The ash-blonde let out a low 'tch', landing on a car as they screamed his name in relief.

"Yeah, it's me... now, let's get you guys somewhere nice and far away~" he sang, standing upright, "in all honesty... Fal and I can't do much against brute strength."

"We can't exactly guarantee anything either, especially when our necks are on the line," the girl agreed sheepishly, tentatively gazing up at the fight, the blinding light enough for her to shield her eyes with her wings.

"There!! Do you see him, folks?!" a news reporter suddenly yelled, running from the fight, "it's Endeavor! So bright, even at this distance!"

"A purgatory you can't escape or regenerate from..." muttered the man, unfazed by the sudden intrusion of the media.

"He's ignited violently!!" they continued.

"Now, to burn away everything," he continued, using Prominence Burn.

Unfortunately, his Special Attack only failed, the Nomu tearing its head off and tossing it; the siblings yelled out his Hero Name to no avail. The head struck the man's right eye, leaving a lasting scar. Moments later, there was a loud crash. The siblings spared one another a horrified glance, racing to see who would reach him first.

"Endeavor!" Falcon yelled above the commotion.

Her heart fell as she saw a gravely - and possibly fatally - injured Endeavor lying on the ground, the Nomu towering above him.

"Are there... no stronger... He... Heroes... a... arou... around?"

The Hawk and The Falcon *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now