Chapter 8: Are you dating my enemy?

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It has been almost 2 weeks since I saw those text messages sent to Harry. Later that day I returned it to Louis to give to Harry. He could see that I had been heart broken but wouldn't know until later. I didn't go to my step mom's banquet that night and just told her I wasn't feeling well. I hadn't talked to Harry since then which he noticed and kept calling and texting me asking what was wrong. I made sure he didn't get inside my house as I told the guards at my gate to not allow Harry in no matter what!
I eventually told Selena about what had happened and she felt so sorry for me that she didn't even say her usual "I told you" sentence. Selena also told Taylor who knew that this was going to happen.
Kendall and Harry had been all over the news lately as they were now together, boyfriend and girlfriend. They had been going on a ton of dates which the press knew everyone of those dates.
Today was the day of the VMA's. I was so happy for both Selena and Taylor for being nominated for some big awards. I decided to go in a hot pink dress that ended at my mid thigh and I had my hair down and wore some nude color high heels.
We got to the award show and sat down next to each other. Selena was a little tense like I was but for a different reason as Justin was going to be here. I was not looking forward to presenting because I really didn't want 1D to win that award.
The big moment had arrived as I got on stage with co-star Ansel to present.
"Well do we have a big award for you tonight." I said into the microphone looking over the millions of stars and fans.
"Yes we do! Tonight we are presenting the award for best album!" Ansel said cheerfully as the crowd roared.
"Now many big named singers are all competing for this award. Stars like Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift." I said which instead of saying 1D I replaced them with Ed.
"Here are your nominees for best album of the year!" Ansel announced into the mic.
The video of all the nominees started to play on the screen which I couldn't bear to watch so I just looked out over the crowd.


Em looked stunning in her dress that she was wearing tonight. I was hoping that we got the award as I needed a way to talk to Em without her pushing me away or running off. I had been seeing Kendall but all we would do would go on dates that were in public. Tonight she was with me but she wasn't as nearly as gorgeous as Em was tonight. I saw that Em wasn't even watching the nominees video and when it came to 1D been announced she clenched her jaw and fist.
Man she must really hate me!
I tried talking to Selena but she just told me to back the fuck off which I knew would be what she would say but I never thought Em would hate me as much as that. I was actually thinking about just breaking things with Kendall as all she wanted was publicity and I wanted Em.
I feel like if I confessed my true feelings toward Em she might just not want to be my friend at all. The video stopped and the moment was upon us to see who would be the one to get the award and go up onstage.
"And the award for best album of the year goes to......" Ansel said in a dramatic voice then looked at Em for the answer.
"One Direction." She said in a monotone voice almost stunned that we had won.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They couldn't have won!
I just stepped a little back so that I wouldn't be near Harry but that obviously didn't work.
Harry and the guys ran up on stage and Harry stood next to me running his hand down my arm.
"Stop it Styles!" I whispered smacking his hand.
"I wouldn't do that if you would just talk to me." Harry whispered to me still smiling at the audience.
I didn't say anything to him. Harry now took the mic to speak.
"I would love to thank everyone who helped us make this album possible. I especially would like to thank the ones that I love because without them we wouldn't have such great songs." Harry said then turned towards me and winked at me.
We walked offstage and Harry immediately pulls me into a dressing room before the camera's see us. He then locks the door behinds him and holds the key that unlocks the door in his hand.
"What the hell Styles!!!" I yelled at him trying to get the key back from him but because he was so tall I couldn't get it.
"I'll let you out once you answer my question." He said not joking around.
"And what might that be?" I said keeping a straight face.
"Why are you so mad at me?" Harry asked the obvious question.
All I did was stare at him and then looked down and smiled angrily.
"Wow, you really don't see it!" I started.
"See what?" Harry asked confused.
"That your so called girlfriend." I said putting my fingers up to put quotation marks around so called. "is my enemy!" I finished.
Harry didn't say a word and just stared at me.
"Are you serious? Or is there something more." Harry said looking into my eyes.
"Yes. I thought you were different someone who I could be with and not have to worry about drama but I guess I was wrong." I said as a couple of tears fell.
"Can I leave now!" I said not wanting him to see me like this.
He handed me the key without any emotion and then just fell to the floor.

I got back to my seat and looked fine on the outside as I fix my makeup in the bathroom. The award show was over. I was walking out of the stadium when I realized that it was pouring down rain. The others left awhile ago but I stayed to take some pictures with some fans of mine. I drove home and when I got home I saw Harry outside getting soaked by the rain.
"What the hell is wrong with you Harry. You could get a cold from standing out here." I said as I got out of my car.
"I broke up with Kendall. She told me that all she wanted was to make you jealous and I couldn't allow that." Harry said which made my eyes widen with excitement.
Finally that bitch gets a piece of her own medicine!
"Why did you do that?" I asked him almost yelling trying to have him hear me over the rain.
"I broke up with her because I was distracting myself from the person I really wanted to be with." Harry said to me. I already kinda knew the answer to that but I wanted him to say it himself.
"And who might that be?" I yelled over the rain.
"You! Ever since I laid eyes on you I knew that I wanted to be with you!" Harry said over the rain.
I was about to say something to him but before I could say anything Harry's lips smashed into mine as they fit perfectly. It felt almost electrifying and all the while passionate. At first I didn't know how to react to this and then I closed my eyes and fell in sync with his lips. This kiss felt as though nothing in this world could touch us. I had never had a kiss like this before. The rain poured down on us as we kissed.
We both pulled back and looked at each other. I didn't want to ruin this moment so all I did was look into his beautiful dark green eyes.
"That's how much you mean to me." Harry said as the rain calmed down to a drizzle.
I was absolutely shocked at what had happened. Harry could get any girl in the entire world but he chose me!
"Um....Do you want to come inside?" I said biting my lip as I was thinking about that kiss.
"Thanks! That would be great." Harry said as he pointed toward his clothes that were soaking wet.

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