Chapter 23: The apology

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I was backstage stunned that Emma didn't show up. She didn't even bother to send me a quick text saying that she was going to run late or anything. Did she not love me that much?
The show had wrapped up and we were about to leave the stadium since all the fans had left until a soft knock on the door erupted us.
"Who is it?" Niall yelled out.
"Emma. Can I speak with Harry? Please!" Emma pleaded through the door.
"I don't think that's ...." Niall was saying until Emma interrupted him.
"Please! I'm begging you! I need to talk to Harry." Emma desperately pleaded for forgiveness.
I decided to open the door and have our conversation outside the room.
"What is it?" I asked showing no emotion.
"I'm so so sorry that I missed the concert. I didn't mean to, I just had a hard day at work and I over slept by accident. I didn't mean to!" She explained to me.
"You knew that this was suppose to be the biggest night of my life and all I got was disappointment." I said to her still upset that she did that.
"Look I didn't mean to. You know this night meant so much for me as it did for you." She pleaded to me.
"I'm not ready to forgive you just yet so how about you leave and go home." I said to her not giving a damn about what she was going to say.
"I don't have a ride home though!" She pleaded.
"I thought you drove yourself here?" I asked since how else could she be able to get here.
"I had my personal driver drive me here." She said quietly.
"Well then, get your driver to turn around and bring you home!" I yelled and then went back into the room and slammed the door in her face.

I couldn't believe that Harry would abandon me like this. I know what I did was wrong but I apologised for it. He lifted me there with tear filled eyes.
I needed to find a ride home now! Just great! I couldn't just call my people since then the paps would find out I was here. I needed someone who didn't know about Harry and I's relationship. Evan! I quickly dialled up Evans number since he gave it to me for casting.
"Hey, it's Emma!" I said as the ringing stop.
"Emma? What it the matter?" He asked hearing my whimpers through the phone.
"I was wondering if you'd mind picking me up at the place you dropped me off at." I said wheezing through the phone.
"Okay? But I thought your boy toy was going to take you home." Evan asked confused.
"My boyfriend not my boy toy. There's a difference! And we got into a fight." I said to him.
"I'll be there in about 20." Evan said and then he hung up the phone.

About 20 minutes later Evan got here in a black SUV. I got into the car on the passenger side.
"Hey, it looks like you've been crying. Are you okay?" Evan said putting his hand on mine. I took my hand away from his hand.
"I'm okay. Just need some rest." I said in a whisper and then we drove off to my house.
We got to the front of my house as the car stopped to park.
"Look, I know it's none of my business but did he break up with you?" Evan asked me.
"I have no clue. Probably just a break between us." I said without crying in tear.
"Well if you ever need someone to comfort you, I'm here. I make a mad chocolate cake!" He said to me which made me smile.
"Thanks. See you tomorrow." I said getting out of the car and going into the front door.

I watched her as she left the car and went into the safety of her own house. I knew that she was holding the pain that her boyfriend had done inside her. I wasn't going to let anyone break delicate heart.

I woke up and went to set like any usual day and saw her. She looked like she had been crying since her eyes were red. Still she looked as beautiful as ever.
"Hey Emma." I said to her across the room.
Her head perked up and then she looked over at me and gave me a half smile. She walked over to me.
"Hey Evan. Why are you here so early. Our scene doesn't start until 11?" She asked me since we were here at 8.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said to her contradicting herself.
"I'm studying my new lines that I got yesterday but you already got all your lines from day 1." She sassed me which made me chuckle a bit.
"Do you want to rehearse your lines with me?" I suggested since I should rehearse my lines also.
"Sure? My dressing room." Emma said as we walked towards her dressing room.
"I was wondering if you are okay. You know from yesterday." I asked as soon as the door closed.
"If fine. Just a little shaken. Its not the first time my hearts been broken." Emma said starting me in the face. "How about those lines?"
"Right. You go first." I said looking down at the sheet of papers.
"From line 33." She said as she looked done at her paper.
"Do you love me?" I said in a demonic voice.
"Of course I do Jack!" Emma said in her sweet elegant voice.
"Say you love me." I said pretending to grab her arm roughly.
"I love you Jack." Emma said in a scared voice.
"Scene. You did awesome!" I said to her as she looked up from her paper.
"Thanks. I actually thought you were going to hurt me like your character did." She said laughing a little bit.
"So what are you gonna do about your boyfriend, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked her trying not to be rude
"I have no clue. All I really want now is to get over him since I'm pretty sure he'll never take me back." She said with sadness in her voice.
"What is it that you do to make him not want you any more?" I said knowing that if she was my girlfriend I wouldn't let her go unless huge circumstances.
"I missed an important concert where he was going to announce to the fans that we were together." She said sounding like it was her fault.
"That isn't that bad. Why would he completely break up with you over that?" I said knowing better reasons to break up with someone.
"I think he just wanted the pleasure and when that happened, he left." Emma said which I completely understood, she gave into him and had sex then, he left her. Typical kind of guy, nothing new.
"I'm here if you need someone to talk." I said to her which I noticed her face coming closer to mine.
"Thanks." She whispered as her face was inches away from me. She then leaned in more and kissed my lips gently and I kissed back just as gentle as her.
Hey besties,
Sorry this took me so long but I had to study for midterms and then exams all week long. Tell me if you guys want me to include Evan Peters or not. Comment and vote for this story.

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