Chapter 20: You are my angel

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I woke up and immediately took a deep breathe as I saw that I was in a hospital with a thing in my arm giving me the nutritions that I didn't have.
A nurse walked in an was shocked at once. She then left and screamed a name that I could slightly hear.
"Harry come back!" She screamed.
I then saw Harry come rushing in to my side. I barely remember what happened to me that got me ended up in the hospital. The only thing I remember was the night that Harry and I babysat Lux, we were just friends.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry this happened to you." Harry said pulling me in for a hug and sobbing for joy.
"Harry?" I said barely making out the phrase without wheezing.
"You have to lie down. Your too weak to be trying to stand up." He said making me sit down.
"Water." I said trying to make out the word.
"I'll go get the nurse to go get you some." Harry said running out and then coming back in with a glass of water. I drank up the water.
"Harry?" I said wanting to ask him something.
"Yes, what is it love?" Harry said listening to him.
"What happened?" I asked Harry wanting to know what got me here.
"You were sailing and went into the water, hit your head. Lost so much blood that you fell into a coma." Harry said but that wasn't what I was wanting to know.
"I mean before that." I said with a confused look.
"How far back are we meaning? What memory do you remember?" Harry asked me.
"I only thing I remember last was babysitting Lux with you." I said to him.
"That was so long ago!" Harry blurted out.
"What has happened since then?" I asked since I was still new to all of this.
"We kissed passionately." Harry said and then my eyes widen. I thought we were only friends.
"But we are friends." I said confused.
"Look, I know the way you felt that night and I felt it too. I am in love with you Emma Aniston." Harry said brushing the hair out of my face.
"I don't remember anything." I said trying not to be so harsh. I mean I wish I could remember those good times that I had with Harry but right now it's blank.
"I guess we have to go and replay those times. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 for our date." Harry said with a smirk, kissed my forehead and then left the room.

I got out of the hospital hours after Harry and I had our talk. I called my mom as soon as I got my phone. It sounded like she was crying through the phone.
I was driven home by one of my people since the doctor said not to do anything crazy after getting out of a coma. Tomorrow I could go back to my normal day except I would have a concussion.
Selena was at my house because she was there looking over the home and wanted to see me really badly.
"Ahhhh!!!" Selena screamed as I walked into the house and she ran into a hug. "I've missed you so much!"
"How long was I in that coma for?" I asked her since she was acting like I was gone for months.
"You were out for about 3 weeks. Hearing your voice is the best feeling." She said letting me go finally.
"What has happened since I was gone?" I asked her since it looked like I missed a lot.
"First off you missed my song that I finally put on iTunes about Justin." She said which I was shocked since she made it a while back but decided against it and wouldn't show it until the moment was right.
"I thought..." I was about to ask but Selena stopped me.
"I know. But with you in a coma, I had to upload this song since it was how I was feeling right now." Selena explained to me.
"Anything with Harry?" I asked already somewhat knowing what she was going to say.
"He's been going to see you for the past 3 weeks. Everyone thinks you guys are together since he was visiting you constantly. He loves you Emma!" Selena told me which I already knew.
"I know. He said he is in love with me at the hospital." I told her feeling bad that I didn't feel the same way completely.
"You should at least try to be in a relationship with him. He's crazy about you. He even called me to ask what you like!" Selena told me which surprised me since he didn't like Selena and Selena hated him.
"Okay. I guess I'll go on the date that Harry had arranged." I said to Selena even though I'm not sure if I really wanted to go on a date.

It was now the day that Harry was going to go on a date. It was 2 in the afternoon and I was just getting back from having lunch with Taylor.
I had about 3 hours to kill before getting ready for my date with Harry. I went on Netflix and tried to see if there was a chick flick that I could watch. I decided on watching Clueless since it was hilarious and cute.
The movie ended and it was around 6 o'clock. Man do I need to get ready. I jumped into a quick shower and got out to decide what to wear.
I didn't know how to dress. How could I have not realized that important part.
I sent Harry a quick text asking what type of clothing to wear which he replied shortly with this:
"Wear something that is fancy yet not too fancy."
Well that narrows it down!
I decided to wear a simple dark blue dress that showed my curves perfectly. I then curled my hair which took longer than expected. I didn't have enough time to go all out of my makeup so I just did my base makeup and then curled my eyelashes, put some mascara on, and then put some lipgloss on.
I heard a knock from the door while trying to put on my nude heels.
"Coming!" I yelled racing down the steps to the front door.
"Why are you gorgeous?" Harry said who was in a suit with a cute bow tie.
"Your not so bad yourself." I said as he came inside. "I have to get my purse. Make yourself at home."
"As many times as I been here, I think it's already home." Harry said to me.

We left my house but Harry the entire car ride decided not to tell me where the heck we were going.
"I told you it's a surprise!" Harry said for the millionth time.
"But how do I know I'm dressed the right way if I have no clue where we are going." I said giving a good statement.
"Trust me, you look perfect." Harry said to me putting his hand on my hand.
The car stopped but we weren't at a restaurant and there wasn't one anywhere. We were at a beach. We walked down the pier to the beach and I saw probably one of the most spectacular thing a guy has ever done for me.

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