Chapter 30: The goodbye

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Before we read the last chapter of this story please listen to the song that I put in the bar above. It fits so well with this chapter and I think listening to it and reading it would be perfect.
Here is the link if the bar doesn't work above with the video:

Today was my last day before I was to go on tour. I had anxiety all day long since the concerts on tour would have millions of people in the stadiums and second because today I had to face Harry today even though I knew we wouldn't be together for very long. Harry said he would meet me at the airport to say our goodbyes for the last time.
As we drove from my house to the airport I remembered all the good memories of Harry and I. Those memories all will be tarnished after breaking up with Harry as they will all remind me of what use to be. Like the time Harry took me on a date by the ocean and he told me to come in the water with him but he bunked me completely in before objecting. Or the time when we went on a walk and it started pouring down rain but Harry and I didn't care, we kissed in the rain. Or when Harry and I sang together in the car to our mixtape that both of us had made together. Or when we spent hours on end watching our favourite shows like The Vampire Diaries.
All those memories will just go away and it will always bring me heartache when I remember them from now on. I truly wish that someday in the future we can be friends but I need Harry to see me as a friend first and not his love.
I must have looked as though I was about to cry because my bodyguard asked me if I needed a tissue. I declined nicely but it was almost like a whisper. I wasn't much for talking today considering that my life would change today.
I stepped out of the car and onto the wet pavement of the airport. First I saw the plane with its door open and then I saw him.
Harry was standing there with his skinny jeans and some band t-shirt on looking sexy (did I just think that?) and roses in his hand. I knew I had to be brave, if I broke down in front of Harry I would never forgive myself. He needs someone better than me, someone who doesn't have know what they want and someone with enough time for him.
I walked over to him not wanting to look him in the eye so I looked down at the ground. As I was walking I didn't look where I was going so I ran right into Harry. He caught me into his arms making me not fall on my face. I looked up for a quick second but that was enough time for me to stare him in the eyes and him to see my eyes too. It felt far longer than a quick second, it felt as though time had stopped.

"Your eyes, there red. Have you been crying?" Harry asked worryingly as he choked on the word crying.
"It's not so easy to say goodbye." I said softly looking down at the ground, I couldn't force myself to look at him. Harry put his hand on my chin and gently brought my head to face him.
"You don't have to do this. We can work through the distance." Harry said confident that I would agree.
"That's not the point. I have a career and you have a career. Both of us are skyrocketing in our career. I don't want one of us destroying our career if it means being together. Both of us have work so hard to get to where we are today and destroying that would be like destroying our confidence and I wouldn't let you or I to destroy that. Sure be millions of miles apart is hard but it's crazy to think that I'm going on tour and so are you." I said gently taking enough time to get the message across. I stopped in order to hear what Harry would say to all of that. It was a long time of silence between us before he spoke up.
"Okay. I understand. You mean the world to me and I just can't let you go. Loving you is like loving the other half of me. How can I let go the other half of me." He said taking his time as he seemed as though he was about to shed a tear.
"I always think that if you love someone enough, let them go and if they come back to you then it was meant to be. So I'm letting you go. Be free! But know that I will always have a place in my heart for you whether it's love or simply as a friend." I said letting all my emotions out, that including my tears. Harry wiped away the my tears on my face. He put his hands around my waist bringing my body inches away from his and my face the same.
"I will never stop loving you. You are my everything and if that means letting you go then so be it. But I will never not love you. I will see you again someday and see that spark we had together in our relationship. Never let go of that." Harry said will so much love and passion that he too was crying. After that he took me into his arms and crashed his lips onto mine as I was taken by surprise I had my eyes open one second and then the next I had them closed. The kiss was gentle and sweet, not to long also. We then held each other in our arms crying and not wanting to say goodbye.
Finally the hug was broken when Harry stepped back away from me.
"Never forget what we had." Harry said which was probably the perfect ending.
"Goodby..." I started to say to him but he cut me off with another short kiss.
"Never say goodbye." Harry said as he left me there standing in aw.

"Come on Em it's time to go." My bodyguard Chris said to me pushing me from where I was standing a minute ago to go onto the plane. I don't think I ever spoken one more word that day after talking to Harry. It was heartbreaking but at the same time sweet because we both knew that in the end it would be okay.
Looking down over the city of LA, I knew that my life was about to change for the better. Even if it meant being independent. I recalled every memory of how my career turned into what it is now. Coming from an adopted family at a young age living a normal life to now being a superstar with a ton of support from fans, friends, and family at such a young age.
This is what I want, to make people smile, laugh, or even cry. I want to be that person that women look up to and men want to be with.

It was devastating having to let Emma go that way. I just hope she makes the best out of what she is doing and have an amazing time doing it. Never could I force her to stay with me if she was the one upset that either her or I didn't go through with our career.
I got in my car that was park a bit a way so the paparazzi's wouldn't see us crying and saying goodbye. I rather have a bit of time before addressing the break up publicly. I mean could you blame me, she was the love of my life. From the moment I saw her walk through that bar, I knew that she was the girl I was meant to be with.
I got into my car that was just in front of the airport. No paparazzi came which is pretty odd but it was for the better. I couldn't help but break down in tears after closing the door of the drivers side. Never have I felt this broken after breaking up with a girl. I thought I could be strong and not feel bad about the breakup but this relationship was like no other.
Something started buzzing in the front of my car. Noticing that it was my phone ringing I picked it up and answered.
"Hello?" I said crocking a bit since I had just cried a moment ago.
"Hey Harry. Did you say goodbye?" It was Louis. He was the only person I could tell that Emma and I were breaking up. He understood me since he would be heartbroken if Eleanor left him.
"Yeah. Could we not talk about it?" I said to Louis since Emma and I's conversation was pretty emotional and I rather not talk about it.
"Sure. So do you have your stuff packed for tour?" Louis asked me which I totally forgot about.
"Shit! Could you come over and help me? How many hours till we board the bus?" I said in a panic.
"Yeah I'll be over there around 4. We have about 14 hours give or take." Louis said and at that I hung up and started the car to go home.

I had to call up Emma to see how she was doing since today was the last time she would look at Harry with love in her heart. Her flight should be landing in New York by now.
"Hey Em?" I said into the phone waiting for an answer.
"Hey Sel. How's it going?" She asked me.
"Um nothing much just wondering about what happened between you and Harry!" I said eager to hear what happened. I know it's wrong to be eager but this means that Emma can now party with me and help me find cute boys.
"It was intense. Both of us cried. He gave me flowers and said our goodbyes." She said sounding like a complete wreck. "I have to go it's 7 here and we are about to go onstage. Bye." And that was the end of it.

First off I am so very sorry about the lateness of this. I had a shit ton of stuff for school and extra curricular activities. I hope you guys don't hate me. I am making another story to this series which I am thinking it's going to be called Broken. I will have more time in the summer so I will post that story with at least 3 chapters to start off and then I will keep adding on. Again sorry. I hope you liked the story. Please comment your thoughts, like, and share this story.

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