Chapter 10: Harder than it looks

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I was packing my bag up at 4:30. Right now I was going on coffee that I made when I got up. I could never wake up this early without coffee. I heard a knock on my bedroom door which made me jump a bit. I forgot that I had left the door unlock in the back for Harry to sneak in.
"Guess who?" Harry said sneaking up to me and covering my eyes.
"I know it's you Harry! Who else would it be?" I said laughing a little.
"I don't know? Maybe a crazy stalker." Harry suggested.
"So your saying your a crazy stalker is that it?" I asked him as I went back to packing my bag.
"Yeah that'll be the day! Do you need help packing?" Harry asked me not giving me a chance to answer since he started to get the things I needed.
"Thanks for coming so early." I said to him.
"No problem. Are you bringing these?" Harry said holding up my Victoria Secret underwear which was a thong.
I grabbed it as fast as I could to get my panties out of him hands.
"Don't you be getting any ideas, you pervert!" I told him as I liked to keep my lucky pair of panties with me when I travel. Don't ask why it's just a good luck charm I have.
"We should probably get going. Your plane leaves at 5:50." Harry told me.
"Your probably right. You get the car started as I pack some of the last things I need." I told Harry to do as he left me in a quiet room that was peaceful.
I grabbed a couple of things and then zipped my suitcase and went down the stairs. I locked the back door and the front door as I went outside of the house. I jumped into the passenger side of the car and we were off.

At the airport the paps were on us like wild animals. I was sure they would only get pictures of a dark SUV window. These windows were tinned but legal.
I dropped her off right by the private jet she was going on.
"So I guess this is it." Emma said to me crying a little in my arms.
"I'll see you shortly and don't be nervous, you'll be fine." I told her as her head rested on my shoulder.
"I know. I just hate saying....." Emma said but I stopped her before she could say the last part.
"Don't ever say goodbye! There will always be a day when I will see your beautiful face." I said not meaning it to be all poetic but it worked. Emma immediately kissed me as soon as I ended my sentence. I deepen the kiss a little bit more as I wouldn't see her in a while.
She gave me one last smile before leaving the car and going onto the jet.
If only I could go with her.


I finally got to JFK airport which took 4 hours of me napping the entire time. It was 12 o'clock here in NY but for me it felt like 8. I had to go straight to the NBC studios to go to the meetings that was starting right about now.
When I walked in, everyone in the conference room was sitting down and staring at me. I felt so nervous and left out.
"Hello! Your must be Emma Aniston. So glad you could make it on time." A guy that was dressed in business clothing and was standing up in the front said to me. "I'm so sorry. My name is Don King but you can call me Don. I'm the director of SNL and these are the writers and producers." He said waving his hands to suggest the people sitting down.
I sat in the only empty seat which was the one at the end of the table.
A intern with blonde hair who looked a little bit starstruck came up to me and put a coffee on the table for me.
The meeting went on and on. I actually somewhat enjoyed it as I chipped in on what skits we should do.
Later, Don decided to show me around the studio where the film SNL. The place was huge! There were different backgrounds and different props all over. Most of the people were busy trying to set up everything for tonight's SNL show with my mom and Nick Jonas.
I was actually going to met my mom before the show the show to talk a little and then I was staying to watch my mom on SNL.
I hadn't seen my mom since my breakup with Beau when I was a wreck. Of course my mom and I talked on the phone a lot but I person was different than on the phone. On the phone I could avoid her nagging comments and her eyes that screamed 'are you sure'. My mom and I are best friends, trust me, but sometimes she can become a little bit to over the top if she finds out stuff.

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