Chapter 18: You Again!

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I walked inside my house and was against the wall thinking about the kiss. Maybe giving Harry another shot at being my boyfriend wouldn't be so bad. I mean he did apologized and he said he loved me.
I decided it would be better if I just slept on the thought of it. I would figure out what I would do in the morning. Before I went to sleep my mouth turned into a smile as I knew that I was going to have a good sleep finally.

I woke up to someone calling me.
"Hello?" I said just waking up.
"Hey? So I know you hate me but could I please just speak to you?" A guy said which I knew exactly who it was.
"Beau, I don't hate you!" I said to him.
"Well, would you want to go talk somewhere. You know as friends." He asked me very nervously.
"Um....i guess. Why are you asking me this?" I asked since I've haven't heard from him in such a long time.
"I wanted to say sorry for what I had done to you in London. You made up your mind that you didn't want me back. How 'bout we go sailing? I know that's something you like." Beau said which made me a little confused since when I told him that I sailed, I thought he wasn't listening.
"Okay? Well I guess I can go sailing with you today." I said unsure of myself.
"Great, I'll see you there." Beau said cheerfully and then ended the phone call.
That was weird.
For once in my life things were okay.

We got to the marina and got onto a small boat about 16 feet long.
The winds today were pretty rough but that didn't stop us.
I was out on trap (harnessing you to the boat but you are over the water). I was having such a fun time on the water until my trap wire snapped and I fell out of the boat.
The water was slightly cold as I hit the surface of the water. I was going to swim up but gravity pulled me down. I hit my head hard on something and could feel the blood rush to my head. I tried swimming up to the surface but before I could reach the surface, I started to black out and then there was nothing.

I couldn't see where Em was in the water but I was pretty sure she should have come up for air by now. I dropped the anchor for the boat as Em had fallen off and went into the water behind the boat.
I dived in hoping that Em was just messing with me and she wasn't hurt.
The waters were clear so I found her close to the surface but her eyes weren't open and her mouth was open wide.
I rushed and took her body up to the surface. I put her on the boat and then started to wave for help. An emergency power boat was near by and they helped us get back to shore. I dialed 911 while I sat on the boat.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My friend, Emma Aniston, isn't breathing and her head is bleeding. I'm on an emergency boat coming to shore." I said frantically.
I gave them the marina address and the women told me that the ambulance was going to be there shortly.
We got on shore and the ambulance was there to take Em to the hospital. I had to stay at the marina because I wasn't a family member or dating Em. They told me the name of the hospital. I was pretty sure that Em would want me to call the people she is the closest to.. That would be Jen (her mom), Brad (her dad), Selena, and Harry. How the hell am I suppose to tell them that I was hanging out with Em when she had to go to the hospital?

I was in the middle of rehearsals for our world wide tour when I got a phone call from a number that I hadn't recognized.
"Hello?" I asked wondering who this was.
"Hi Harry, It Jennifer, Emma's mom." She said sounding g very sad for some reason.
"Hi Mrs. Aniston, how are you?" I greeted her hoping that would make her happy.
"Please call me Jen, I've been better. I have so awful news for you that you might not want to hear." Jennifer said to me in a concerning voice.
"Okay? What is it?" I asked for why she sounded this sad.
"I hate to tell you this but Emma is in the hospital for her critical condition." She told me which made my heart drop.
"What hospital is she at?" I said on instinct.
"I don't know if you'd want to see....." She was saying but I interrupted her.
"I love her!" I said thought the phone.
She then gave me the address to the hospital that she was at.

I was pretty sure that I ran out of rehearsal an ran at least 3 red lights, only thinking of Emma.
"Emma Aniston?" I asked the lady at the front desk to the emergency room.
"Yes, she was brought in here just 30 minutes ago. She is now in an operation. You may stay here until she is out and then I'll tell you what room she is in." The young lady told me.
"May I ask what happened to her?" I had to know if Emma was going to be alright.
"She was sailing and apparently hit her head open when she fell off the boat. She wasn't responsive but was had a pulse. The doctors believe that because she is in a coma since she lost so much blood and had a concussion." She explained to me which broke my heart. This could mean that Emma could stay in a coma for a long time.
About there for about 2 hours waiting for Emma to get out of surgery. Then the lady told me that Emma was in B106. I rushed there to see a motionless Emma lying in hospital clothing.
I started crying and thinking about how I could have prevented this accident. I payed down next to her and just wanted to hear her beautiful voice again.
I fell asleep crying in with in my arms. I was sure that we weren't allowed to stay here that long but I guess the lady felt sorry that I had a loved one in a coma.

I was in a world where the only 2 people was Harry and I. It was absolutely perfect. Nobody to both us or interrupt us.
I could stay here forever!
"I love you" Harry said to me.
"No, I love you more!" I said being all cute and cheeky together
It was like I could stay here forever and ever.

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