Chapter 22: Met my Girlfriend

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I woke up from a very pleasant sleep from last night. I rolled over to the other side and felt for Harry but all I felt was the bed.
"Harry?" I said sleepily.
No answer so I sat up in bed to look around the room.
"Harry?" I said a little bit louder wondering where the heck he had went.
I walked down the stairs to smell the sweet aroma of cooked bacon.
"Harry?" I asked around wondering if he was down here.
"In here. I'm cooking breakfast!" Harry yelled out as I saw him shirtless with only his pants on. I came up from behind him and hugged him around his waist kissing his cheek.
"It smells delicious!" I whispered into his ear.
"You know your really distracting me right now." He said which I completely understood since I was tempting him.
I backed off of him and started to set the table for breakfast. Harry then put the food on our plates as we sat down to eat breakfast.
"I was wondering if you'd like to come to a concert that we are doing tomorrow?" Harry said as he took a bit out of his eggs.
"Um... are you sure that's okay?" I asked since the fans would know that I was with Harry if I were to go to one of their concerts.
"I don't care what the people say. I want the public to know how much I love you." Harry said taking my hand and kissing the back of my hand.
"I'm just not sure." I said unsure of myself.
"Trust me it'll be fine. The other girlfriends will be there too. You can bring Selena if you'd like." Harry said to me with a big smile on his face.
"Fine. But I swear to you that I if you embarrass me then I'll leave!" I said joking to Harry.
"And why would I ever do that?" Harry said sarcastically.
"Whatever. Then I guess I'll be there to support you!" I said with a smile and then our day went on like any normal day.

~The day of the concert~
Harry went to the studio and I had to go to my new acting job. I was going to be acting on the new season of American Horror Story which was going to be a different acting career since I'm normally not very sinister yet this is was exactly acting character that this was.

"Hi. You must be Emma." A guy with dirty brown hair and dark eyes said to me as I walked into the studio.
"Yes that's me. And who are you?" I asked him being polite as I could be.
"My names Evan Peters and I'm your new lover." Evan said with a smile.
"What?" I said not quiet understanding what he was saying.
"On the show. Your playing the character Elizabeth, right?" Evan said which I finally understood what he had meant.
"Yeah. I'm guessing your playing my lover boy?" I said patting his shoulder and then walking to my dressing room.
"Look I was wondering if we could get to know each other a little bit better. Since your my love in the story and the directors want it to be as real as possible." Evan said following me into my dressing room.
"Okay then. Let's play a game. I say 10 things about me and you say 10 things about yourself. Then we will know each other. Happy!" I said to him. "I'll go first. 1-I'm not use to playing such a sinister character. 2-I've never had a sex scene onscreen. 3-My best friends are very protected over me. 4-I don't need to know anything about you. 5-Whatever happens onscreen stays onscreen. 6-My dressing room is a free zone from everybody for me. 7-My favourite color is blue. 8-I don't want you to waste your time trying to get to know me. 9-My manager thought this would be a different kind of job for me. 10-I have a boyfriend so back off." I said and then smiled to him.
"That wasn't much of facts as it was more commands toward me." He said now not flirting with me so much.
"Look, I just want you to understand that I am here for my job. That's it! Not to make friends because I already have enough." I said pushing him out of my dressing room and into the hallway.

I couldn't wait for Emma to come to our concert tonight and hear us sing. I was planning on singing a song that I had wrote for her but never told her I had written one.
"Harry? Are you listening?" Zayn asked waving his hand over my face.
"Yeah... yeah!" I said getting out of my daydream of thinking about Emma.
"Then what did we just talk about?" Liam asked me.
"Ugh. What we are singing tonight?" I said not actually knowing anything of what they just were talking about.
"No. We were talking about where the girls are going to sit." Louis told me.
"Oh yeah!" I said to them.
"Look Harry. We all know that you are pretty nervous about telling the world that Emma's your new girlfriend but you have to listen to this meeting." Niall said to me.
"Okay. I understand." I said and then they went on talking about the concert and the details that would be going into the concert.

It was about 30 minutes till show time and I hadn't seen Emma at all. God I hope she is with the other girls.

I was running late since the director wanted to take so many shots of probably the exact same scene over and over again. What a nut.
Anyhow, I was now stuck in traffic as so many fans were on their way to the exact same place that I was going to.
I finally got to the stadium with at least 3 minutes to rush to my seat in the upper stadium. Right about now I was running and some fans of mine made me stop so that I could sign my autograph.
I got to my seat next to Eleanor and Perrie. Selena was down the row. It was about 5 seconds before the boys were going to go onstage. Man did I luck out. I would've been devastated if Harry didn't see me up from the stage in my seat watching him.
They sang a bunch of songs before Harry was in the spotlight.
"Tonight is a very special night for me." Harry panted as he before he was jumping around the stage to the song. "My girlfriend is here to watch me sing."
Then the spotlight was on me as everyone looked up from Harry's gaze and saw me.
"Her name is Emma Aniston. Met my girlfriend!" Harry yelled and then the entire stadium roared loudly, chanting my name.
"They must really like you." Eleanor whispered into my ear.
All I did was smile as the fans actual were okay with me.
But that was only a dream.

I woke up laying on a couch in my dressing room still in my characters outfit. I checked the time. It was 6:45.
Shit! I only had about 10 minutes till the concert was about to start.
Damn what am I going to do?
I got dressed and then ran out of my dressing room. I had to get to that concert no matter what!
I went outside and forgot that my manager drove me here since I wasn't wanting to come to my new show but I was going to be there, just probably not on time.
"God damit!" I screamed out.
"Need a lift?" Someone said. I looked over and saw Evan standing there next to his car.
"I'm fine. I'll just call my driver." I said to him since I was not about ready to take a ride from a guy I barely knew.
It then started to rain softly and then poor down heavily.
"By the time your driver gets here it'll be very late and the paparazzi could be here." Evan said to me. I walked towards where he was standing.
"Take me to the one direction concert in LA." I said getting in his car.
"Why do you want to go there?" Evan asked me.
"My boyfriends performing there." I said to him and he got the memo.
He drove probably too fast even for me to the concert. I was pretty sure about 10 minutes after showtime. Man am I screwed!
"Hey before you leave. Aren't you gonna need a ride back?" Evan asked me.
"No my boyfriend will take me back. Thanks for everything." I said and then ran into the stadium searching for the upper seats of the stadium.
I got to the seats but when I entered the stadium, there was no one there. Nobody at all.
I completely miss judge the time it took us to get here.
Harry is totally going to be upset that I missed the most important concert of his life.
Hey besties,
Lately I've been watching American Horror Story and thought it would be cool that add him into the whole drama thing since it would show Emma's job too and not just her love life. Btw Emma's dream starts when it's her P.O.V after Harry's. Vote and Comment what you guys think.

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