Chapter: Three

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A few hours pass on the plane the flight attendant told everyone to fasten there seat belts. She helps fasten Dolly and Dylan seat belts for them as they were still sound asleep. And the plane was about to land. The plane lands smoothly down onto the runway. The pup's starts clapping for the pilot. Doug and Delilah gets off the plane with the pup's.

Doug: Nighty six, nighty seven we are missing two! Where's Dylan and Dolly? (Worried)

Delilah: They were asleep last time I checked on them earlier. They must still be asleep! I'll go and wake them up. (Entering plane)

Delilah finds Dolly and Dylan both asleep resting their heads together.

Delilah:(In her mind) Ohh how cute those two look. (Smiling)

Delilah: Come on you two wake up we're here! (Shaking them both)

Dylan: What really!! (Shocked)

Dolly: We're coming mother. (Yawning)

Dylan, Dolly and Delilah all get off the plane. and gather their bags they had packed. It's snowing and very cold.

Dylan: Ohh my dog it's freezing! (Shaking)

Delilah: Here put these on. (Handing Dylan and Dolly their winter clothing)

Dolly and Dylan put on their winter clothing. Then they join the family on a mini bus. After  traveling for an hour. They arrive at Alpina Gstaad hotel. Inside the hotel there's a huge fireplace surrounded by sofas. And a desk where they needed to check in.

Receptionist: Checking in are we? And are you the Dalmatian family?

Delilah: yes we're the Dalmatian family we ordered four rooms? (Smiling)

Receptionist: Okay I've got your keys here. (Passing Delilah four key cards) If you want to follow me I'll show you your rooms.

The receptionist shows The family where they be staying. Four rooms next door to each other. the receptionist waves goodbye and leaves them.

Delilah: Right me and your dad going to be in room one. (Pointing to room One) Dawkins you're going to be in charge of all the boys in room Two. (Pointing to room Two then hands Dawkins room Two card key) Da Vinchi you're going to be in charge off the girls in room Three. (Pointing to room Three then hands her the room Three card key) And finally in room Four will be Dolly and Dylan. (Pointing to room Four then passing Dylan the room Four card key)

Destiny: We!

Dallas: Are!

Déjà Vu: Tv stars! We deserve our own room! Why do Dylan and Dolly get their own room! Are they your favourites? (Annoyed)

Puppies: Yeah! (Annoyed)

Doug: Everyone calm down! Dylan and Dolly are older then you pup's. Plus they deserve it for always cleaning the house and looking after everyone. Making sure you're all safe and happy they have earned their room.

Destiny: I guess.

Dallas: You're.

Déjà Vu: Right.

Delilah: Good right I'm glad that sorted out. We'll everyone you need to un pack your things. Then meet me and your dad in the dinning room downstairs for dinner in an hour time. We're in room One if you need us just knock on our door first.

Dylan and Dolly and the rest off the family went into their rooms to unpack.

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