Chapter: Six

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Dylan: I would but I can't ski Dolly.

Dolly: You don't have to just hold on to me tight and we ski down the mountain together on my snowboard!

Dylan: I guess that can work. (Smiling)

Dolly: Whoo thanks Dylan!
(Hugging Dylan tightly)

Dylan returns his ski stuff and joins dolly on the ski lift. Dylan starts getting nervous when he sees how high he is Dolly realises this and puts her paw around him. After a few minutes they reach the top of the mountain slope.

Dolly: Are you ready Dylan? Make sure you hold on tightly to me! (Excitedly)

Dylan hugs Dolly tightly from behind that makes Dolly smile with happiness then they both go zooming down the mountain at high speeds they pass an old abandon ranger station on the way down the mountain. They skim past trees and eventually reach the bottom. They both fall over in the snow.

Dylan: That was amazing I've never gone that fast before! (Smiling)

Dolly: I know there still time let's go down it one more time! (Smiling)

Dylan: Okay one more time.

Dylan and Dolly got back on the ski lift then arrived again at top off the mountain Again Dylan holds on to Dolly then set off. They stop in fear as they hear a loud noise coming from behind them it was an avalanche off snow heading in there direction.

Dylan: Quickly Dolly we need shelter there was an old ranger station not to far from here! (Panicking)

Dolly and Dylan both manage to reach the ranger station. They then barricaded the door then moved near the fire place. Outside they can see the snow hitting the ranger station making it shake and snow passing by the window. A few minutes pass and the avalanche had stopped. Dylan and Dolly find that they are trapped inside the ranger station. As the snow had blocked the door.

Dolly: Dylan what do we do now we're stuck? (Panicky)

Dylan: Don't panic we're still alive aren't we?They will send a rescue team and dig us out in no time!

Dolly: (Crying) I'm sorry Dylan this is my fault. If I didn't say let's go again we won't be stuck here!

Dylan: Come on Dolly dry your eyes. This is a natural disaster nobody could have predicted this! Besides I couldn't think off anyone else I would rather be trapped with in this ranger station.

Dolly: (in her mind) I can't wait anymore I must tell him how I feel.

Dolly: Dylan you are so special to me I really love you.

Dylan: And I love you too.

Dylan kisses Dolly passionately on the lips for a good few minutes but stops for the lack off air.

Dolly: (Smiling) My dog how I've been wanting you to do that to me for so long!

Dylan: Me too I just didn't know what I'll do if you rejected me? I didn't think my heart could have taken it.

Dolly: Idiot I could never reject you! You mean the world to me. (Kisses Dylan on the cheek)

Dylan: I feel the same way. (smiling) Let's look for something we can use to signal help.

Dylan and Dolly look around the room in the cupboard there's a few cans off baked beans and a bowl. They find some firewood in that Dylan starts a fire in the fireplace warming Dylan and Dolly up he try's the radio but it was smashed to pieces and the wires were damaged.

Dylan And Dolly The Ski Trip Where stories live. Discover now