Part 3

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Camille's POV:

It only takes about 30 seconds for the realization to hit, and once it does i'm screaming like my life depends on it, because it might.

" Quiet down girlie, Boss said that you have to come to him unharmed and your making it really hard." The gruff voice orders.

" And why should i be one to care about making it hard for you? You literally blindfolded me and are currently dragging me to who knows where." I reply.

" Actually, i'm taking you to a fairly well known place for those like me." The voice informs me.

" Those like you?"I press, my curiosity getting the best of me.

" Yes, those like me. Not that you humans would know about it." The voice responds.

" Are you implying that your not human? Because that wouldn't be possible." I say.

" Silly little girl, you've got a lot to learn. There's no such thing as impossible." The voice tells me.

" Bu-" I start to say before the voice interrupts me.

" That's enough questions, i've already said enough. Now hurry up, Boss won't be pleased if were late."

" You're dragging us, how are we supposed to hurry up? And even if you weren't, what makes you think that we would listen to you?" Archer says.

" Kids these days." The voice grumbles.

After a few more minutes of him dragging us, he stops and takes off our blindfolds.

His first mistake.

As he's tossing them to the side he tells us, " No need for these things, were almost there anyway."

Before i can get the chance to ask where ' There' is, he starts dragging us again.

After about five more minutes he stops again and reaches into his pocket to grab something.

What he doesn't realize is that since his hand is in his pocket, he's let go of Archer's hand.

Mistake number two.

I look at Archer and mouth," Not yet."

If Archer takes off running right now, then i'm 90% sure that my chances of escape will vanish.

Our captor keeps searching his pockets for something, and when he can't find it, he takes his other hand and starts searching his jacket pockets as well.

Now that both of his hands were busy, i was free as well.

This guy just keeps on making mistakes, but three was all i needed.

" Run" I mouth to Archer and we take off in the opposite direction that he was taking us.

It takes the guy around 20 seconds to notice that we left, and when he does we can hear him screaming at us to come back despite the fact that we've already lost sight of him.

Archer grabs my arm and pulls me over toward a cluster of trees.

After a minute we peek out and see that the guy has ran past us.

" Thanks." I tell him.

" No problem, that's what siblings are for." He replies.

" Really? I thought that they were only made to annoy you?" I joke.

" You do realize that your a sibling as well right?" Archer points out.

" Whatever." I respond.

We keep walking but after a few minute i notice a strange light to my right.

" Archer." I say, elbowing him, " Do you see that?"

" Do i see what?" He replies.

I pull him closer to the light and it starts to get brighter.

" That." I hiss.

But before he can get a chance to reply, or even react, we're both pulled toward the light and once we get close enough, it seems to swallow us.

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