Part 9

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" We're to late." Noah mutters.

I nod my head in agreement, taking in our surroundings. Somethings missing, but i can't think of what it is. Wait.

" Where are Archer and Simone?" i ask, realizing whats missing.

" I- I don't know. The must've gotten left behind." Noah says.

" What do we do?" I question, starting to panic, " For all we now they could still be in the throne room, or they could have...."

" Don't think like that Camille." Noah reassures me, " There going to be fine."

" How are we supposed to know that for sure?" I ask.

" We don't." Noah admits," But i know my sister, she'd never go down without a fight. I doubt you your brother would either."

" Your right, but we have to find a way to get back to them." I state.

" I know, as much as i trust my sister, i'd rather know that she was safe then just have to assume." Noah says.

" Same." I say, nodding my head in agreement, " How are we supposed to get back? I doubt anyone's ever escaped from here before."

" I have an idea, but in order for it to work you have to trust me." Noah tells me.

" Whatever it takes to get my brother back." I respond.

" Okay then, remember that it's just an illusion. I've never tried this with someone else before, so i really hope that it works." Noah informs me.

" K. Wait, what do you mean you've never-" But before i can finish my sentence, i'm cut off with the roaring sound of an engine.

What's happening? And why does it sound like being run over by a motorcycle? I look over at Noah and it's like i can see the gears spinning in his head. I really feel like screaming right now, but Noah said to trust him and i do. It's just weird, it really does sound like a motorcycle convention right now.

" N-noah?" I stutter, looking over at him again.

Whats he sitting on? Is that a..... No, i'm clearly going crazy. There's no way that Noah brought a motorcycle into the the palace dungeon. Yet, there it is. A motorcycle, sitting right in the middle of our cell. 

" Hurry up and get on Camille, i don't have that much room to back up." Noah tells me.

" Where'd you even learn to drive that thing? More importantly, where did you get it from?" I ask.

" I promise i'll explain later, but now is not the time." Noah says.

I nod my head and approach the motorcycle. How am i supposed to know that it wouldn't jump out and bite me? I'll just have to trust Noah, if i don't then Archer and Simone could be in even deeper trouble, but Noah's going to have a lot of explaining to do later. I hop on behind him and hope that i don't die.

Once Noah sees that i'm on, he immediately starts backing up. What's he doing? But i realize that something weird is happening, as we back up i can see the events of the past 15 minutes go past us, but in reverse order. For example, first i see when me and Noah were talking in the dungeons, then i see the weird thing that happened with the shadow ribbons, and finally i see the throne room with King Davis. Did we just... Go back in time? I think so. Noah stops backing up and now we're back in the throne room with Simone, Archer, and unfortunately, King Davis.

" W-what? H-how?" King Davis stutters as soon as he notices me and Noah.

" I have my ways." Noah tells him, " Your not the only one here with tricks up you sleeve."

" Well whatever you did doesn't matter anymore, because your still to late. Your siblings have already given up, it's just a matter of time before you do to."

" Yea right." I scoff, " The only one here that's going to be giving yup is you."

" Don't sound so sure of that. I don't know if you noticed, but i have an entire army and there's only four of you little kids. Although i don't even know if i can even say four, seeing as two of you appear to be tied up and one of those two is missing an arm." King Davis says smugly.

Wait what? I look around the room and sure enough, Archer and Simone are tied up. Something looks different about Simone but i can't place what it is.

" Simone?" Noah calls out, fear in his eyes, " Are you okay?"

And that's when i notice it, Simone's arm is missing. How was i so stupid as to miss that before? If dad was behind this then he's as good as dead. We were gone for what? 5 minutes? And by the time we get back, this has happened.

" How about we make a deal?" King Davis Proposes, looking at me," You and the boys cooperation in exchange for your siblings."

" What exactly are we supposed to cooperate with?" I question.

"  Joining the winning side. I know about your combined elements Camille, and i'm pretty sure the boy has two elements as well. One of those two being time, a previously unknown element." King Davis says.

" Don't listen to him Camille, there has to be a catch." Simone calls out.

" I can assure you, there is no catch. But you need to decide soon, that one has already lost quite a lot of blood." King Davis says, pointing at Simone.

" I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. Just stick to the plan." Simone replies.

" How can you say that Simone? Your literally tied up in a pool of your own blood. Your not going to be fine and the we stopped following the the plan a while ago. If you don't get help soon, then you could permanently lose you arm." Noah tells her.

" An arm is just a limb, it can be replaced. But if you agree to this, then there's no going back." Simone says.

" The girl is right, although that arm is as good as gone if it doesn't get treated soon. Wouldn't you just hate to be the why your sister is missing an arm? Knowing that you could have done something about it, yet you didn't." King Davis taunts Noah.

" It's not your fault Noah! Don't listen to him!" Simone calls out.

" And my dear Camille, wouldn't you just hate if your brother spent the rest of his life in the dungeons all because you were being selfish?" King Davis tells me.

I look over at Archer and see him passed out on the floor. Me and Noah make eye contact and our decision is clear.

" We agree." We say together.

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