Chapter 16

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     "Monsieur les styles, toujours un plaisir bienvenue en france

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"Monsieur les styles, toujours un plaisir bienvenue en france ... ah qu'est-ce qu'on dit bienvenue à aimer."

Rose is the first person to welcome the two when feet hit French soil , the first person to strip the little happiness Louis had to offer about returning home - Rose held that same expression he wore most of his days - careless and disregarding , Harry knew nothing about the man in front of him knew not of the nights spent in a 14 year old boys room or the tears he has created .

As hands touched . Smiles exchange and polite greetings Rose found his way exactly where he wanted to be hand placed smoothly on at the bottom of Louis back , rubs release , rubs release and repeats .

He called the shots . he wrote lines on what would happen next and took whatever courage Louis had gained in the matter of months and threw them out like unwanted house guest .

" I wanted to see how Ryan lived ." Harry fills in following beside the tall French man as he side eyes , brown hair swept neatly back and wedding ring holding his stable appearance together- married man , happily married man ... a happily married man who has sex with boys .

His first love was ages ago , in his early 20's he fell in love with a boy who had the brightest blue eyes and the darkest hair that could make the night sky look brighter. He didn't always find comfort in young boys , of course that would define him as sick and he'd jail himself away .

Rose smiles "Ryan loved this small bookstore before Mary became pregnant with Louis , he'd spend all day there and I'd have to fetch him dinner -" he pauses for a moment, toys with the car keys in his pocket and mumbles his distaste for the bitter french summer air - most importantly he acts normal, normal like a man who does not put fear in Louis heart .

Louis slips his feet in and out of his sandals . It's a new pair Harry brought for him after a couple of pleas and kisses the older man gave in , feet touches rough gravel and it speaks "welcome home ,." He quickly slips them back in , for this was no longer home .

" I will have to look at that bookstore-" Harry turns to Louis "you are in desperate need for books anyway ."

It's small talk from then . Changes of radio stations, French exchange and little stories , yes known him since his father sold his first apple , ah we swim in lakes here , of course who doesn't like sports -right Louis ? , correct Louis ?, would you like that Louis ? I scare you Louis ? But that one , that one question he never asked .

Rose has a way of making anyone fall for him . He paints this solace picture that has no distraction and simple peace , moves with intelligence and conducts himself around important people .

Rose ' first love wasn't a boy . As he looks into the mirror at the small boy in the back , no his first love was in his early 20's ... his first love was Ryan Tomlinson.


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