Chapter 22

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les pierres d'adoration

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les pierres d'adoration.   Agest was a old man but the saying wise came with age didn't fall when in terms of talking to the apple farmer , he knew little and still as he walked with a straw hat covering half of his face and shorts that look dull from many washes he sought looking at stones more interesting than Harry's busted lip .

          What happened back there ?
         You had sex with my grandson ?
      Did we allow rose to do that ?

      Agest asked nothing , touched cracked stones , whispers to bystanders and waves his hand a signal follow me , quickly , hurry , we must rush before these fucking stones fall on us .


            There comes a time when a boy becomes a man . The time comes beknownist to the mother as she cradles her son to her chest and sings sweet lullabies, doesn't imagine that the toddler suckling on her breast will soon lay a hand on her aging face - just like his father , she is cradling the father and the ears hear more than the eyes do not see - of course you tuck said little boy to bed before his father beats the fuck out of you but your screams do not go unnoticed- it's that understanding in which questions if Louis grandparents truly did not know about Rose intentions for they surly heard everything.

     In the quiver of the young boys voice , the piss that hit the title floors or the closing of his room door at ungodly hours .

       "Ryan loved coming here , he'd come here -"

  "To get away from you ." It's not a question, a statement Ryan despised his parents more than anything , blames them for Mary's death and now Harry blames them for all the suffering Louis went through.

      Agest bowed his head " I loved Ryan more than anything and when he placed Louis in my arms while trying to save Mary , I knew then that I had to protect that small child from any harm -" Looks up with glossy eyes "how did I fail him ?"

       Agest slams his hand on the various stones and lets out a choked sob  " Juste sous mon putain de nez !"

   Harry winces at his busted lip , tastes the blood  and sighs - the stinging, the pain is a faint reminder of what he will do for love ...for those he love and knuckles ache , ache as if hitting a tons of bricks but he'd do it all again - all again for Louis .

A woman laughs . Pushes between them  and waves her mother over ,  brown hair down to mid shoulders and glasses tucked on top of her head , a bruise beside her left eye and  there's a cut across her cheek making an extra smile .

           "Mère, nous devons écrire nos noms sur la pierre. " She pulls out a black marker , the same color as the bruise beside her eye - there's holes on her skin and she twitches... how many more until she dies ?

      Agest touches his hand " Mary' name is somewhere over here ."  his aging eyes look over the stones , rubs a hand over the rough surfaces and lands on a name in scrawny writing  Mary Tomlinson ... Mary Tomlinson .

        You see , everyone has a story and when that person dies that story also dies -sighs - it's as if we close that book and hide it away to selfishly cope with our own feelings . It's a funny thing life is never about the living and death is never about the dead it's always surrounded with us - we do not crowd the woman who gave birth no we hoard the child in our arms for our own pleasure. Sometimes I fear that Ryan couldn't close that book , he's couldn't be fucking selfish.

            The woman with the bruises and her mother  have disappeared,  slipped into the rest of moving bodies in French stones and like others have written their name to become a story for years to tell and Harry understands human selfishness now ,  instead of taking in the stones beauty there's words on them and instead of knowing Ryan's past or why he rubbed that bronze ring on his finger he simply titled it a ring ... never knowing his wife died .

     Ryan was far from a selfish man , he laid with someone who murders for a living , laid with him even though his heart belonged somewhere else and as Harry walked passed Agest and took one of the markers from the stones and wrote RYAN Tomlinson , he belonged there in France with his wife .

         France has given him so much fucking heart break , France made him a father , France  killed his wife , France made him a desperate man , France made a mockery of his  son .

             " I wish I could apologize to him -" Agest looks around at the stones "tell him that I'm sorry for what happened to Mary and most importantly what happened to Louis .. I'd tell him that Rose will pay and that you have done an amazing job watching over his boy ."

       "I am no better-"

Agest shakes his head placing his hand on Harrys shoulder " love comes when you least expect it , love has no age and  it makes a mockery out of you but do you know what the beautiful thing is -"

              "That's not love ."

"Then what do you call it , I remember Ryan fought four guys for Mary never seen that garçon fight for anything in his life even though he came out with a broken nose and fractured rib .. he swung like hell ."

       Harry hummed "anyone with morals would have done what I did ."

      Agest nodded . Reached for the pen in Harry' hand and squeezed tightly " write on the stones , give them a name and I will be waiting at the end , I will never know what you have written but you will and France will and the many people who come to these stones daily ."  He released his hand and slowly began walking to the end of the cave .

    The pen felt heavy in Harrys hand , held down by emotions and the names that have graced each stone . The pen wrote Harry followed , France took in everything and did not mutter a word as he capped the pen once again and walked away .

             "What are those stones called ?"

       "Ahh I was wondering when you were going to ask    pierres d'adoration which in your tongue means adoration stones ."

        And as they walked away France never whispered what that stone said , never spoke to the people who passed by simply stood proudly for one day the owner of each stone comes back takes the person who name is written down with them and they laugh at what has now happened in the most future and France says softly "I never told , I am happy for you ."

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