Chapter 24 (ROSE)

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There's beauty in small things  , and if such beauty can come from a simple object who can rectify if beauty came from a living soul -a breathing soul , a callous soul and flesh clinging on to bones

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There's beauty in small things , and if such beauty can come from a simple object who can rectify if beauty came from a living soul -a breathing soul , a callous soul and flesh clinging on to bones .

Ryan found beauty in meaningless objects , he found beauty in the skinny girl across the pond and he'd slip into Rose window late at night with love bites on his neck and hair stuck to his forehead from swimming in the vast French ponds -

" Rose -" Ryan whispers pressing his warm hand into the young teens back , shuffles , laughs and throws himself on to the heap of flesh that drapes a wool blanket over bare skin and boxers - his dick is clad in plaid and One simple movement makes the teen huff .

"Stop , Ryan ." He would not do this again , refused to do this again - there was many different meanings for one word in English which bares the reason that it's hard to interpret or explain but did anyone ever think about how one emotion can offer different feelings - this one tonight as Ryan rubs against Rose thigh is anger ... he feels nothing but anger .

Hands touch cold skin , tugs leaving red marks , lips on neck -same lips that were just minutes ago on hers , she felt the softness and need ,-desperation and fucking hunger . Rose wondered if it ever crossed her mind that the way her lover thrusts in her vagina is the way he thrusts into his ass .

"Kiss me ." Pleading , a plea that falls short as pink lips ghost over lips and breath fans over bitter face . Tonight was different, tonight was rushed and needy as if all that could go wrong had gone wrong - never was Ryan Tomlinson the boy who begged simply because he could have absolutely anyone and they would become putty in his hands .

Rose remembers the time at the club , the middle of France and tourist crowding the streets. They were going for a bike ride , wind in hair and the after taste of ice cream and sex ... the first night he allowed Ryan to take . Take and give all himself to the boy , the man was older -Irish and stopped at the front of Ryan's bike , held the handles and smirked .

"Want to enjoy the night ?"
He did not question age or the important matters , the club , the lights and the Irish man - everything became blended . Maybe it was the drinks or the bodies grinding against each other but Ryan devoured , conquered and relished in the attention. Kissed older lips , sucked on bitter teeth and laughed at small touches .... he could have anyone , would have anyone and Rose was just a body in his way .

Ryan gasped . Pushing deeper into the boy erasing the memory, the moment and bringing them back to reality - posters (reality ), record player (reality) , the willow tree Ryan climbed in complete silence and the smell of her on his skin .

"R-Ryan ! I said no ." Rose muttered , how could he speak , how could anyone speak with a broken heart and the pain that constantly digs at his chest .

"S-she's, fuck -" moves faster "s-she's p-pregnant."

Ryan Tomlinson had the ability to control the whole room , his charming ways and soft touch made any man or woman fall to their knees , he knew such thing and used it to his advantage. And as he finished in the young teen , he left silently , did not mutter a word and Rose , Rose was madly in love with the older boy who took without ever asking .... he cried .

A/N RYAN isn't the good guy you all thought he was .
Hurt people , hurt people

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