Chp 10 : "My love"

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Rey, Ben, and you finally made it out of cavern. Bits of flaming Star destroyer were falling from the sky giving the area around the planet a red glow. You looked around and saw the burnt tie fighter. You ran towards it, looking for Joan. You only found her clothes. You fell to your knees. Your heart felt heavy as a shoulder touched your shoulder, "she's one with the force now." It was Rey. Tears started to fill your eyes then Ben stooped down and put his arms around you. "She died for me. For no reason. She could have escaped and explored the galaxy, but she didn't she helped me." You said in between sobs. Ben kisses your forehead and said, "she saw the light in you as you saw the light in me. My love." My love. It was weird to hear such sweet words from him. "We need to get off this planet." Rey said. Ben helped you stand. "I'll see you two at the base." Rey said climbing into the x wing that she must have arrived on. A simple carrier cruiser landed on the surface of the planet. Several people marked with the mark of the rebellion came and helped Ben and you. They took Ben off to dressed his wounds. A woman took you down a long hall and showed you to a room. It was a simple room. There was a bed in the middle of the room. A door sat next to one side of the bed you assumed that to be the bathroom. There was a nook on the other side of the bed that had a window in it. You sat and looked out the window at the endless void of space with it small tinkling stars or suns far away. It was beautiful. You thought of all the planet's there could be out there. You wanted to live with Ben on a planet with warm weather, nice people, and maybe somewhere with fields and lakes. Raise a family. Your daydream was cut short by the door opening. You turned you head to a smiling Ben. He walked over to you and sat next to you. "You know I can still hear your thoughts." He said grabbing your hand and kissing it. "I can't believe that this is all over." You said. "I know I can't believe how blind I was." Ben said sadly. "What do you mean?" You asked. "I was stupid to think that the galaxy needed to be held in a tight fist that it had to have something to fear. I never thought then that it would be love that would save the galaxy." He said. "Oh Ben." You said lovingly. Your name passed his lips so beautifully, "I love you." He said. "I love you too Ben." You said placing your other hand on his jaw. A tear escaped his eye. "I treated you so horribly." He said. "I knew you were never truly evil, my love." You said moving over towards him. You kissed his face ever so slightly. "I have something for you." He said. "What is it?" You looked at him questioning. He stood up and got down on one knee. "I know this is how it is supposed to happen, but it didn't..." he said pausing. "B-but if you'll still have me..." he said once more the heat in your face filling your cheeks. "I want you to be my wife well, Ben's wife." He said. "Silly. I'm already your wife Kylo's or Ben's it doesn't matter as long as it's you." You said tackling him in a hug. You both landed on the floor. You both laughed.  You sat up and looked into his eyes. His eyes were soft and loving. "Oh! I have this." He said digging into his pocket. Then he pulled out your ring. "I know it's not that pretty, but I mean. I swear I'll get you a better one. A pretty one." He said. "This one is perfect." You said taking the ring and putting it on your finger. "I'm still going to get you a prettier one, one that matches your beauty."He said looking from your eyes to your lips to your body. "Ben." You said. His eyes switched back up to your eyes. He didn't say anything. He just grabbed your face and kissed you. It was passionate, but soft. His hands moved down to your back. He unlaced your dress gently. He pulled away from you. He stood up from the floor. You looked up at him questioning. "Is it true?" He asked. "What?" You asked starting to stand. "Wanting a family with me living somewhere beautiful with fields and lakes and nice people?" He asked with an almost excited tone. "I mean of course why wouldn't I want to, Ben." You said standing to face him. "I just worry." He said. "Ben, kylo is gone." You said hugging him. His arms embraced you. "I love you." You said. "I love you too." Ben said. You looked at him. His eyes still with that same look. You knew this version of him wouldn't hurt you. You kissed his lips gently. You sat on the bed. He looked at you nervously. You patted the bed beside you. He came over and pulled off his boots. He placed a knee on the bed then grabbed one of your legs and gently pulled you onto the bed. You sat up with you back on the pillows. Ben unzipped you're boots and slipped them off and gently placed them on the floor. He set himself between your legs. He kissed you passionately. You kissed him back. He pulled away from the kiss with tears in his eyes. "You know I regret doing what I did... But the one thing that I regret the most is the fact that you feared me and maybe even hated me." He said. You placed your hand on his face, "I may have feared you, but I never hated you." You said. You wiped his tears away. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You said. "I want to make you happy." He said. " already make me happy." You said with a laugh. "I do?" He asked looking at you questionably. "You do." You said. You grabbed his face and kissed his mouth. His hands ran over your shoulders and down you arms and back up, feeling your skin. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled himself closer to you. He gently pulled on your dress. He finally pulled it off of you and placed your dress on the floor. He pulled away from the kiss. "What's wrong?" You asked him. "I want to do something that I've never done before." He said. You looked at him questioning. He pulled off his shirt and handed it to you. "Put that on." He said. He got up and turned off the dull light that you above the door. You pulled on his shirt. He walked back over, pulled backed the sheets, and got into bed. You worked your way under the sheets. "I'm confused what is it that you wanted to try?" You asked. "This." He said grabbing you and pulling you towards him. He embraced you and placed your head on his chest. You could feel and hear his heartbeat. You could feel the warmth of his skin and the rise and fall of his breathe. He smelled of musk, earth, and with a slight metallic smell, but you didn't mind it. You nuzzled your head into his chest and began to feel tired. He kissed your forehead and said, "get some sleep my love." Your eyes fluttered and finally you feel asleep.

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