~It was just the beginning~

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My story is different than others. I had to choose. I had to choose between taking my dad's right from mom or leaving my monster mom alive. It was hard, but I had to do something...


"Mom, I'm going to school!" I said enthusiastically as I opened the front door of the house.
"Okay, sweetie! Take care of yourself! Call me if you'll be late, Jessica !" said mom, the caring, calm type.
"Okay!" I mumbled while I got out of the home. I closed the door and started walking. I was too happy that day, but I had my reasons.

First of all, dad will arrive from his business trip today, and he will be staying with us for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. That may sound quite normal to you, but not for me. Dad always goes on business trips, and we barely see him. But we got used to it. My mom and I are okay without him. It's not that I like him or no, but I never felt he cared, so I never had a chance to love him. But, in the end, he's my father. I can't say I love him, but I like him. He was never bad with me, that's why because I like him. Also, I still remember my memorable childhood memories with him. That was when he wasn't busy and had nothing to do but to care about me...

SECONDLY, today's my birthday, and I'm pretty sure my friends will prepare me a surprise party. Just like each year! But this birthday, something is different. This birthday, I'm going to be 16! Which means, A SWEET SIXTEEN! I'm becoming older! Days are passing very fast like a blink of an eye. Anyway, I know today's party is going to be MAGNIFICANT.

Returning to reality, and as I said, I'm going to school. I usually go to school with my best friend, Bella, whose real name is Isabella, but she said that she's not going to school today because she got a fever. Though I know she's lying about her sickness, I passed it because I know she's busy preparing for my surprise birthday party. She's also the worst liar I've ever known, and it was pretty obvious she was lying to me. I was also planning not to go to school because we don't have a lot of important classes today, but mom obligated me to wake up and go. And I know that's because of the birthday party too.

I walked to school silently watching every step. I was imagining how could my birthday be; will it be a huge party? What kind of presents will my friends bring? What will be the cake's flavor? Don't get me wrong, but I'm really looking forward to this birthday! Last year dad couldn't come because he was in the middle of his business trip, but he promised me he would be there for me the next year and he will throw me the best party ever! 

Back to reality, again. My school is not too far from us, so I arrived quickly. As I entered, I saw my friend Jason waving to me, so I exchanged him a wave with a smile. Jason was my friend from a long time ago, so I know him very well. He's a fool almost always, but that's something I like about him. He has an excellent sense of humor.

I knew his wave meant 'happy birthday', so I told him smiling" I will be waiting for your present! Don't be late!" He looked at me in amazement, and I'm pretty sure it's because he thought I didn't remember today is my birthday, then he finally said "Of course! Sure! I will come! I will go to your surprise birthday party that you don't know about it! And we will plan you a- OH MY GOSH! DID I JUST SAY SURPRISE PARTY? No no there's no surprise party at all!"

I laughed a short giggle and then I smilingly said "Oookay Jason! There's no SURPRISE party at ALL. Okay." He took a deep breath then nervously said "Great. So I will go to my class. My first class. Yeah, okay. Oh, bye?"

"Bye!" I said as I went to my locker.

I opened my organized, well-looking locker and put my bag. I'm an organized type of girl, and that's because the organization keeps my mind arranged. I also believe in the quote " For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned", which is completely true. I took my Anatomy books and then closed my locker. As I went to the Anatomy lab, the bell suddenly rang, which made me suddenly remember dad. When I was young, he used to sing to me Merry Christmas all-day when it was Christmas Eve. I don't know why I remembered that memory suddenly and with no reason, but it made me smile. I entered the lab and we had our class.

After the Anatomy class, I had a Spanish class, but it was too boring because we just revised some sentences and a couple of grammar rules. Then I had Literature, but we didn't take anything because our teacher was absent. And there's no sub-teacher for Literature in our high school, so it was a total mess in the class. Students were eating, shouting, running, and taking selfies. I just stayed in my place and chatted with my friend, April. She's not only my classmate but also my neighbor, so that was a BINGO. We chatted about random things like new fashion trends, a bunch of books, and of course, my birthday.

Anyway, after Literature the recess started. I got a chicken burger, fries, and a coke. I noticed Jason and April waving at me from the table they were sitting in, so I joined them. We chatted as we ate, everything was just normal.

Then, Jason's phone received a message, and when he opened his phone and read, his face changed 180 degrees. "Oh my God. I... I can't believe that" mumbled Jason as he completed reading.

"What's going on?" said April. "What are you reading?"

"Nothing" he nervously said. "Nothing" he repeated.

"Come on give me that phone," I said.

"I...I can't. Just forget it"

April took the phone from Jason's hand quickly and she immediately started reading. She wore that scared face as Jason's, and her face changed from happiness to nervousness. I've got to admit, her face change made me feel worried.

"What's happening Jason? You are making me anxious" I said nervously.

Jason said anxiously and sadly at the same time "I... Look Jessie I don't know but... I don't know how to say it! You...you... I can't say. You can't read "

"Why?" I asked. I was nervous. Jason made me feel that something horrible had happened.

"Because it doesn't matter"

Automatically, I pulled the phone from April's hand and started to scan words quickly with my eyes. I deserve to know what's going on. The first thing that caught my attention is that it was from mom. "Mom?" I mumbled. Jason and April tried to get the phone back, but I constantly started reading.

"Jason I have bad news. And please, don't let Jessica know. She will be terrified. Please. Unfortunately, I received a message from an unknown number...and it was saying that Jessica's dad made a car accident while he was on his way to the airport. The accident was huge. The car flipped upside down and was burning. Fortunately, people got my husband out of the car but his condition was terrible. The ambulance is trying to rescue him anyway, but he is hurt badly, and they think there's no hope... But I'm sure he will be okay. I'm sure he will survive the accident. The message I received also said that the person who crashed into my husband's car ran away. And the police still couldn't find him. I sent you this message so that you could try to distract Jessica today. I won't be okay, and she can't see me like that. I beg you not to tell Jessica. At least for today."


A cliffhanger!!!! Mwahahahaha!! So tell me what do you think about the first chapter! Is it good? I know it's not good enough, but I'm trying! Don't forget to comment :))


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