~Fresh Start~

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2 weeks later

 "I will be the one who will drive you to the airport, Jessie," said mom insanely.

"Ugh, mom come on! I already ordered an Uber! Also, our car is way too small! My bags will never fit!"I replied politely.

"Okay, let me at least ride with you the Uber!" I rolled my eyes then finally said "Okay mom! Fine! But I don't expect there will be enough place for me, the bags, the driver, and you".

"Don't worry, I'm certain it will fit everything". I nodded sweetly then mom put her palm on my face and said "Jessica, sweetie, please take care of yourself. I will always be there for you. You don't know what do you mean to me. You are my life. I'm ready to die to make you live. Please Jessica, please, if anything happened or someone hurt you, tell me. I'm your mother honey" then she hugged me. Sweetly. 

I can't say anything. She made me speechless. Her hug...her care...her love! One thing is on my mind now. Do I really hate her? Do I...?

She pulled back then looked to my eyes, which was the same thing I did. "Mom, don't worry. You have a smart girl...I will miss you, mom." I said, then she squeezed my hands softly. Tears started to form in her eyes. They were clear. "Uhh, mom! Why are you crying now?" I laughed.

"I'm not crying, I'm happy. Proud. Pleased" she answered, wiping her not-so-happy tears. I hugged her a half quick hug then pulled back to see the Uber car in my view. "Time to go!" I said. I held my two bags and mom held my arm bag, and that's when the Uber car was in front of us.


After I've passed all the airport security, I started moving the trolley which had my two bags and arm bag, then I looked to the huge clock on the wall. It was 7 P.M and my flight was at 8:55. Unlike my father, it was my first time for me to travel alone, so I was unsure about what to do. I was very nervous. I thought maybe it was time to check on my luggage, so that was what I did. I went over to the check-in desk, where the airport worker stuck a sticker on my bags and took them. I figured now I had nothing to do except to wait. 

I sat down on a chair and figured out what to do. Beside my bags, I had my white back bag which had all my stuff. I got out my phone and called mom, ensuring her I'm okay. Then I took a selfie and sent it to my friends' group chat. 

Me: *Selfie*


Jason: Wishing you luck on your first time traveling alone! (╯▽╰ )

Me: Hoping it will be easy :)

April: Good luck! ❤

I closed my phone and returned it to my bag, then I looked at my watch. It's still 7:28. I got up from my seat and started roaming around. There were fast-food restaurants, sweets shops, souvenirs, and many other things. I thought about getting a snack, so I went to a small shop that sells snacks and bought cookies and lemonade. I returned to my place, ate my snacks then opened my phone another time. I was bored, so I checked my social media, and that's when I noticed it was 8:01. I stood up and went to my gate, where they checked my passport and ticket, then they let me go to the plane. I smelt freedom in the air. It was close...

When I reached the plane I went up the stairs, and when I reached up the air hostess told me "Have a good flight!"

2 Days Later

"Um...hey. I was just you know...um...looking for a room. A nice one." I said to the man sitting in front of the apartment. He looked in his forties or maybe...fifties? I think he was the doorman or something like that. I was searching for a nice room from the morning, but I didn't find anything that suits me until now.

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