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I woke up by the warm air breeze. I rubbed my eyes slowly, then I opened them to see the sunlight's rays filling the room. "What's the time?" I muttered in dizziness. I got up from the bed and found myself in an unknown room. "W-w-where am I?" I shockingly said. Then, I remembered everything. I remembered I rented a house. Ahhhhh, then this is my new house? Not bad. I grabbed my phone from the bed and opened it to see the time, realizing I've slept an hour and a half, and it was now 4:20 P.M. I was still on my jeans and yellow plain t-shirt, so I decided I will roam around the street to know it, and maybe I could get to know anybody. But firstly, I needed to unpack my things.

I walked to the living room and held my bags, took them to the room and, opened them to get my things out. Clothes, accessories, books, make-up, everything. I organized everything properly. I think I stayed up to...half an hour? Anyway, after I finished unpacking, I looked to the mirror I set on the table and made sure I look nice, then I grabbed my bag and walked to the living room, opening the door and getting out.

When I got out on the street, I realized I need to buy some groceries for the house. I opened my phone to search in the GPS for the nearest grocery store, and I got delighted when I knew it was 2 minutes away. I walked on the street happily. I was finally free. Free from living with a murderer. Free from lying. Free from seeing my mother's disturbing face. Freedom. I instantly scented NYC fresh air and saw the sunset. It was a...wonderful feeling. Like, a really wonderful feeling. I haven't felt like that for...a while.

When I finally arrived, I entered the store, bought my things, and returned home back to settle the groceries in place. I decided that's it for today, so I changed my clothes into a comfortable pajama and relaxed on the couch. I chatted with my friends in the group chat for a while, FaceTimed my mother, and then I slept in my place.


I woke up the next day at eight past ten in the morning and did my daily routine. I was very bored. That's just day 2! Have I ever thought about what will I do here? I mean, I'm two months early. What am I supposed to do?

I wasn't in the mood to have breakfast at home, so I thought of having breakfast in a cafe or something. I could also benefit from that and get to know anyone. I went to my room and opened the closet, getting out a belted shirt dress. 

I wore it, then brushed my hair into a classic ponytail, as usual

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I wore it, then brushed my hair into a classic ponytail, as usual. I applied strawberry lip balm to my lips, and perfume, then I wore long boots. I was ready. I got out of the home, ordered the elevator, then I went downstairs to meet Steve. 

"Good morning!" I greeted him to catch his attention. He looked up to me and then smilingly said "Good morning, dear!" 

I sweetly smiled at him as I got out of the elevator then he said "Looks like you will be having breakfast outside!"

"Yeah, kind of. I came to NY very early, so I thought about having breakfast, maybe I could get to know anybody".

"Ahaaaaa," he said. "But, why did you come early? Most students come before college time by three or four weeks!" I stopped in my place and looked to the floor, trying to answer him. What shall I say? Lie? Or say the truth? I broke the silence by responding hesitantly "Um, that's because, you know, personal problems. I mean, not exactly, but because I had a sort of fight with my mother".

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