Chapter 1

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Tanjiro’s POV

“Promise me! When we get older, we’re getting married!”

“W-what?! M-married??”

“Yeah! C’mon! Pinky promise!”

“O-ok.” We pinky promised and I put my hand in that person’s hand.

“Now, it’s decided! Bye bye! Tanjiro!” I wave my hand and then suddenly I fell. I fall and fall into a dark abyss. It felt endless until I finally hit the ground.

I wake up, sweating and panting. Who was that kid? I didn’t see that kid’s face or anything. I only heard that kid’s words. Did I make such a huge promise? I basically gave my future to that kid. If only, I knew who that was.

I get up and the sun gave me a good morning kiss as I opened the curtains. The light hurt my eyes. I slept for 12 hours today. I should get prepared.

I then, go to the bathroom and wash my face and take a shower. I head downstairs and decided to start making breakfast. It was a particularly, quiet and peaceful day. I lived alone since I started this career. I was a solo artist that made original songs and sometimes covers of different artists and bands.

I head to the fridge and reach out for some eggs while looking at my messages. I kept touching around the area where there was supposed to be eggs but I stop and look. It was empty. I sigh as I get ready to go out and buy some at the convenience store.

I was walking around and two boys caught my attention. They were holding hands and laughing really hard. I must admit that I wanted to have something like that. They suddenly started laughing really hard. I could catch some names and some of their conversation. Something about “Inosuke” and “Murata”. Wait, this is basically eavesdropping. I should just get myself to the store.

I head to the store while listening to some music. I just kept looking around. This was a peaceful town. There were plenty of trees and people walking around. I mean, it was just 8 am so it was before work hours so everyone can just take the time to walk around with friends and go to parks and just enjoy.

I step into the convenience store and get myself some eggs and vegetables for an omelet! Then, something caught my eye. A blonde boy walked in with earphones plugged to his ears. He had the most pleasant smell and the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. It was practically, gold. He was very cute.

We made eye contact and I quickly turned away, blushing. That was embarrassing! He might think I’m a creep now! I sigh as I  grab the eggs and head to the cashier.

“Thank you for purchasing!” The cashier says to me and I head out and head back home. The 2 boys weren’t here anymore. They were just playing so I guess they headed home now too. But, that blonde boy looked so familiar. Did I meet him before? I doubt it. If I did meet him before, I wouldn’t leave him alone.

I kept thinking about that boy and finally arrived at home. I decide to go make an omelet and some fried rice and some miso soup!

After I finished cooking, I went to the dining table and started eating. It was quiet and eerie so I played some music. I saw a duo named “Thundering Twins”. I played one of their music videos named “Soft Storm” (A/N: These are not real songs.)

My eyes shot open as I saw the blonde boy on the stage. His singing was incredible! The song itself was good! He looked really handsome there but… his voice seemed so familiar. I’ve definitely heard it before. I swear I’ve heard it before. Maybe I just listened to his music before.

I finished eating and finished cleaning up and decide to go to work on a new song. As much as I liked staying at home, I wanted some coffee. I get up and take my microphone and computer with me and started heading to a near café.

I step into the café and suddenly got bombarded with different types of coffee smells. It smelled really pleasing and relaxing. I sat down at the nearest table.

“Hi! What would you like sir?” A waitress asks me and I looked at her.


“Tanjiro-san! Hi!” It was my friend Kanao! She was also a fellow solo artist and a producer. She did a collaboration with me once. I didn’t know she worked here. I gesture her to sit down but she declined.

“Sorry, but im currently at a shift so, could you wait a little bit until my shift is over? Don’t worry, its only an hour left!”

“Okay! Then I’ll get a Mocha Frappe!”

“Sure! Is that all?”


“Thank you! I’ll come back with your order!” She bows as she heads back to the kitchen. Meanwhile, I opened up my laptop and start searching for that blonde boy again. He seems so familiar and interesting.

I watch a few more music videos and an hour has already passed! Time really does fly when you’re doing something fun. Despite my searching, I never learned who that boy was and what his name was.

I saw Kanao step out of the kitchen wearing normal attire and sat down at the chair in front of me.

“So, Tanjiro-san, what are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to go to a café and work.”

“Why don’t you do it at home?”

“I wanted coffee. Oh, and I have a question.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Do you know who this is?” I say as I showed her a picture of the blonde boy.

“Oh! That’s Zenitsu! I worked with him once!” Zenitsu! That was his name! But his name didn’t seem that familiar.

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh, its nothing…”

“If you want, I can book an appointment?”

“No thank you, it’s too much…”

“Ok then. Just tell me if you want to meet him!” I really am grateful for Kanao. She always helped me. But this time, I’ll do this by myself.

We say goodbye and go our separate ways. I look at the time and see that it’s already a little past 8 pm. I guess I have to go make dinner and sleep. I sigh as I realize that…

I didn’t do anything today again…
Hello everyone! This is my second book and ive been hit with laziness that i should have gotten this done 4 days ago... sorry!
Anyway, enjoy!

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