Chapter One

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The world did not end in a Big Bang like how it started. It ended with the screams of people. Those screams slowly took over the world until nothing was left. Just a charred world filled with an unforgivable virus, the Flare.

My name is Astrid and I am the daughter of Ava Paige, Chancellor of WICKED, World In Catastrophe, Killzone Experiment Department. She wasn't the first Chancellor though. She injected the virus into the old Chancellor, Chancellor Anderson. She never told anyone though, I am the only one that knows, I believe. She threatened to put me in the Maze Trials if I told anyone.

I'm her only child and I don't know who my father is, she probably left him because he didn't agree with what they were doing with the trials. These trials are supposed to find a cure. We have been at it for years and have gotten nothing.

Two years ago, my friends Alby, Newt, Gally, Winston and Minho were sent into the maze. My mother told me they were dead, so I ran away. I couldn't take what she was doing to these innocent kids, putting them in mazes, watching them fight for their lives and not helping, just letting them die, right in front of my eyes. I gathered up the most important things, weapons, food, water, clothes to cover my skin so I wouldn't get burned from the sun, and I left.

On my way out in the middle of the night. Teresa and Thomas found me. I never liked them, they worked like slaves for my mother. If anything, my mother loved them more than she loved me.

"I'm leaving." I told them as they blocked the doors, "You should come with me, we can make a change. You don't have to work forAva." I made sure that the pistol in my holster was off safety and easily accessible, in case they tried anything.

"You can't leave." Teresa said, "Your mother would be devastated!" She walked forward to me, holding her hand out for me to take. I didn't.

"Please, you and I know that my mother loves you two more than me." I said, pushing her hand away from me. Thomas got protective and held up a stun gun. I pulled out my pistol and aimed at his head. I knew I wasn't going to kill him though. Teresa stood off to the side, just watching.

"Astrid, stay with us, it's better here. You know how important this cure is. You're not immune!" Thomas said, his finger hovering over the trigger. I knew I wasn't immune but I would feel better out there, living as a crank than in here, helping torture my friends.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before pointing the gun at Teresa's leg. I shot her. Thomas pulled the trigger but I jumped out of the way before it could hit me. He dropped the gun and ran to Teresa who was screaming, grabbing her leg in pain. She slowly fell to the floor. Thomas didn't even care for me anymore, he was caring for Teresa, he's always loved her ever since she got her when they were kids.

I took one last look at them before running out of the building. I felt terrible for what I just did but I couldn't show any weakness out here. I need to show my dominance, make people afraid of me. No one will know I am Ava's daughter, I'll change my last name. Astrid Reed. Yea, that sounds good, that will be my new name. 


This is my first Maze Runner fan fiction. I hope y'all like it! By the way, the picture at the top is what Astrid looks like. 


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