Chapter Ten

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"So, what's in the bag?" Minho asks when we get to the car. I jump in the back seat next to the mysterious girl.

"This." I say, unzipping it and holding up the Bliss.

And what exactly is that?" Minho asks, raising an eyebrow and sitting on the other side of the mysterious girl. Thomas, the other 2 boys and Teresa sit in the back. Newt and the Hispanic man sit in the front, the Hispanic man starting the car.

"It's the Bliss." The Hispanic man says as the car comes to life. I nod, putting the Bliss back into my bag. "It slows down the virus. It's like a temporary cure but it doesn't last very long."

"So you're a crank?" Newt asks, looking back at me as we start driving away from Marcus's house.

"Yea." I say, not meeting anyone's eyes. I can feel them all staring at me and the girl next to me shifts uncomfortably. We are all squished in this car so she has nowhere to go if I turn. No one has anywhere to go if I turn.

"So," I say, changing the subject, "who are you 4?" I ask pointing to the man driving, the girl next to me and the 2 boys in the back.

"I'm Jorge." The man in the front says. "And that's Brenda." He says, indicating to the girl next to me. I put my hand up to shake hers and she takes it, hesitantly. Her palms are clammy and her breathing is ragged and doesn't have a pattern. Those are one of the early signs of becoming a crank but I don't see any dark veins. Probably because she is wearing long sleeves. I lift up her sleeve slowly, not making it obvious, and look for any bite marks or veins. Nothing. Maybe it's on her leg or somewhere else.

I let go and turn around to the boys in the back.

"Aris. I'm from group B." The one with big teeth and brown hair says. I nod and take his hand. He was from the maze which means he is immune. I believe. There's always a chance that they aren't immune but I can't tell from anyone right now. The only one that I know for sure isn't immune is Jorge and Brenda but I don't see any symptoms coming from Jorge.

"I'm Frypan." The dark skinned boy says with a smile on his face. I take his hand. It's soft but really big in my hand. I let go and turn back around. I fiddle with my hands in my lap but I can feel the eyes of everyone, even Jorge though the mirror, looking at me.

I can't take it anymore, "What are you looking at?" I ask, throwing my hands up and looking around that car at everyone. I feel really angry and pissed for some reason. I know they are probably watching me because they are scared, I don't blame them, so why do I feel so angry?

"Nothing, just scared I guess." Thomas says.

"Right," I blurt out, spinning my body to face him, "Cause I'm a crank. I could change any moment." I throw daggers into his soul from my eyes. "I could change and attack you all!" I scream, spit flying from my mouth. "Stop the car." I yell, spinning to look at Jorge, the fear crawling on my face. He hits on my pedals and I jump out of the car. I stumble to the ground and throw up, black and red vomit staining my chin and the floor in front of me. Someone is kneeling beside me but I push them away.

"The Bliss" someone yells. I hear people talking, to me, to each other, but my head is spinning. I can't be changing now, I just took the Bliss this morning with Sonya and Vince, right before they left. My hands are shaking and I feel angry, sad, scared. I throw up once more and notice that someone is holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

I cough, trying to get oxygen back into my lungs. There is a stinging sensation in my arm and then it turns cool. My breathing calms and I wipe my chin. I sit there for a second, looking down at my hands, shaking, veins crawling all over them. I sit back, dumbfounded by why this is happening. This shouldn't be happening! I can't change, I don't want to. I know I said that maybe I should but, for some strange reason, now that I have found Newt and Minho, I don't want to die.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why that happened." I say shaking, my head. "I just took some this morning, I should have been fine until next week."

"It's okay chica," Jorge says, "You can't control it."

I look next to me as my hair falls back down and notice that I was Newt holding my hair back. He was still rubbing my back.

"Come on." I say getting up. "We need to get to the Right Arm." Newt and Thomas exchange looks for a second before Newt gets up and back into the car.

When everyone is in, Jorge starts driving again. Brenda is sitting in the front now and. Newt is next to me, still rubbing my back. It reminds me of when I was sick at WICKED and my mom would do that.

I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. I take deep breaths, trying to stay calm. I hear all their voices around me. My head is pounding but I block it out and shut my eyes tighter. Soon enough, I fall asleep to the soothing sensation of Newts rubbing my back.


The picture is of Bertha, obviously. 😂



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