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It had been a few days since Jacob's bail, and May hadn't heard of or seen him, except for on the news and social media pages

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It had been a few days since Jacob's bail, and May hadn't heard of or seen him, except for on the news and social media pages.

It was a sunny afternoon, and May had absolutely nothing to do. Her mind was running with thoughts of Jacob Barber. It's not possible that he murdered her brother. It can't be.

At some point, she clearly could not take it anymore, as she ran down the stairs, and began to put her shoes on.

"Where are you out to, May?" Her mother asks from the couch. "Just to the neighbors." She lies. "They're a few blocks down, though." She adds, tying her laces.

"May, you know we don't want you walking out that far, and alone." She reminds. "It's not that far, I'll still be in the neighborhood, and I carry pepper spray." May assures, standing up and stepping by the door.

"So, can I go?" She raises her eyebrows. The woman pauses to think, then sighs. "Don't be home late, and call me when you're there or change your mind." She concludes.

"Deal." May agrees with a smile, then runs over to her mother, pecking her cheek, and running out.


She knew the Barbers would never let her in, and Jacob wouldn't answer her texts, so May checks her surroundings, and finds no one.

She takes in a deep breath, then begins to climb the tree by what she hoped was Jacob's room window.

It was an effort, that's for sure, but she needed answers, and she needed them now. Near the top, she slips, scraping her knee, and accidentally yelling out when her hand falls.

She holds onto the branch with one hand, failing to bring up the other one. She was stuck.

With a grunt, she reaches for a small twig that was on the tree, throwing it at Jacob's window, followed by a small pebble lying on the trunk as well.

Soon enough, the boy peers out his window. "May?" He asks in confusion. "No, it's Selena Gomez. Can you help me out?" She requests.

Jacob looks behind him, then walks away, shutting his door. "What are you doing here? My parents don't want us to see each other and neither do yours." He whispers as he pulls her inside.

"I want answers. You know I saw you in the courtroom." She responds, grunting as she falls into the room. "Are you okay?" Jacob mutters under his breath, helping her up while he looks down at her bloody knee.

"I'm fine. Are you?" She questions. "I— I guess." He shrugs. "I wanna know why people think you killed Ben." She tells.

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