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It had been a while since Jacob and May have spoken or seen each other

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It had been a while since Jacob and May have spoken or seen each other. The Rifkins were informed that Ben's phone was now being investigated but Joanna, Jacob's lawyer, for evidence, which didn't exactly bring joy to Mr. and Mrs. Rifkin.

May, on the other hand, was conflicted ever since her and Jacob's argument. Sarah hasn't messaged her for whatever reason, and May was too afraid to say anything. Jacob hadn't tried to say anything either.

Now, May was just alone with no one to talk to, no one to make her feel better. Which is why she finally took up her mother's offer to see someone, to see a therapist.

She would go every Sunday. But now, it was Monday, and she'd have to go a whole week being silent again.

It was late now, and May was lying awake in her bed. She wants to talk to Jacob again, she wants to sort it out. She has to.

She turns to her digital clock beside her bed. He should still be awake this time. She figured he'd ignore her text messages or calls, so she decided to head out to his house.


Upon arriving, she stood at the bottom of the tree. Jacob's light was on, the window was open as he always left it especially for her. But she could hear yelling.

"Are you Jay Kobbs?" Andy shouts. May gets closer to the wall in the case that they would peer out the window. "Answer me, damn it!"

"Andy." Laurie warns. May couldn't hear what Jacob responded, as he was much more quiet. It came out as mumbles.

"Don't tell me what's not a big deal! Show your mother. Show her what you've been up to." Andy orders.

"Shit. Jacob!" Laurie says in shock. "Do you have any idea what this looks like? Joking about being a murder suspect?" Andy cuts in.

"It's not like anyone even knows who it is." Jacob raises his voice. "Everybody knows! How do you think I know?"

"Andy, calm down." Laurie sighs. "This is damaging. This is evidence, and you're either too stupid or too arrogant to know the difference!" Andy doesn't stop yelling.

After another muffled sentence from Jacob, Andy speaks up again. "The what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. You're making too big of a deal out of this." Jacob argues. "Do you have any idea what they're gonna do with this picture? They're gonna wave it around in front of the jury, and they're gonna day it shows consciousness of guilt." Andy explains.

"That's the phrase they're gonna use. They're gonna say this is how Jacob Barber sees himself, a psycho. And they're gonna use that word over and over again."

"Andy, enough."

"Jesus Christ. Do you know what's at stake? Do you realize what they want to do to you?"

"Stop it already. You're scaring him." Laurie intervenes. "Good! He should be scared! I'm scared!"

After more shouting, and a door slam, May wasn't sure whether she should have even come. Soon enough, Jacob's silent cries sound, causing May to sigh.

Hesitantly, She begins to climb the tree, then silently pulling herself inside the room. Once she's inside, she spots Jacob lying down on his bed, facing the wall.

"What are you doing here?" He mutters. "I came here to see how you were doing." She sighs, shutting the window.

"Why would you care? I thought you didn't wanna talk to me." It was obvious he was crying.

"I didn't. But I think we really just need someone to talk to right now, Jake. Both of us. And.. I missed coming around here." She purses her lips, staking a seat at the edge of his bed.

The boy sits up, staring at her, and wiping away his tears. "I don't really wanna talk about what happened." Jacob sniffles.

"And I don't wanna know. I just wanna be friends again." May admits, her eyes looking down at the bedsheets.

"Yeah, me too." Jacob agrees. "I regret what I said to Sarah, but.. I don't know what to do. I can't just say sorry now. It's a little late for that."

"I know. Just.. take your time with it." May suggests. "I feel like everything I do is gonna be used against me. Like— like everything I say. Or even the fact that I'm alive is already something to get me in trouble. Is there something wrong with me?" Jacob sighs, lacing his fingers together.

"Jake, nothing's wrong with you..." May trails off. "Just— no one wants to talk to me anymore unless they have to. Everyone hates me." He continues.

"Jake." May repeats, grabbing his attention. He looks back up at her, remaining silent. Slowly, May leans forward, pressing her lips against Jacob's.

It only lasts for a short moment, before she pulls away. Jacob doesn't say anything, he just looks up into her eyes for a bit, processing what had just happened.

Soon enough, Jacob pulls her back in, connecting their lips for a second time, holding their position for a little longer this time.

Maybe the two weren't in the right headspace, or maybe they were. But they both knew that they were each other's rock, and if they wanted to keep calm, they needed to do it together.

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