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Minho waited impatiently as Thomas rubbed his eyes and slowly drug himself to his feet. They made their way to the kitchen where Frypan was serving stew especially early for the people who'd gotten up to talk to Minho. It seemed stew was one of the only things they'd been eating lately. Without a box that sent up food and supplies, it looked like they'd be lucky to get away without having it once a day.

After quickly gulping down their bland stew, Minho led Thomas to the centre of their camp, where about half a dozen people with backpacks on were waiting already. Sonya and Jorge were among them.

"Hey there, hermano. Better late than never," Jorge grunted and rolled his eyes. He didn't hide his distaste for Minho very well.

"I guess this is all the people who volunteered," Minho observed, and then counted each of them, "Except Brenda."

He cast a questioning glance towards Thomas, who simply shrugged.

"There's eight here including Thomas and myself. That'll make equal groups. Thomas, Jorge and Sonya are in my group. The rest are your own group," he decided.

Thomas leaned closer to Minho and muttered, "Thanks for asking for my opinion, shuckface."

Minho chuckled and replied quietly, "You're welcome."

Turning his attention back to the others, he said, "My group goes from sun rise to mid afternoon, and the other from mid afternoon to sunset. I want you back no later than sunset, we don't need anyone out after dark. Now you shanks," he motioned towards the other group, "can go, get back to sleep for a few hours."

The other four trudged back to what would eventually be their new Homestead, when it got finished, which was towards the east of their camp. Minho waited until they were out of hearing distance to turn to the others and say, "If anyone's looking out there first, it's us. Sonya, go tell Harriet that she's in charge when I'm gone."

Sonya ran off and was back within a few short minutes. She didn't say anything upon her return, just nodded at Minho to confirm that everything would be handled well when they were gone.

They started to make their way towards where they would exit the camp when someone came running towards them. Her long brown hair swayed as she ran, and there was a look of determination in her dark eyes. The girl stopped in front of them, blocking their way with one hand on her hip.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," she apologized.

"Brenda, we already have equal groups that I'm quite happy with," he started.

"I'll just stay here with Harriet, if Brenda wants to come with you guys. I'd rather help keep everything in order while you're gone anyways," Sonya offered and without waiting for an reply, began to walk away.

Minho watched as Brenda re-tied her leather boots and when she stood back up, she had her body turned directly towards Jorge, cutting herself off from Thomas and Minho. She was obviously upset about him and Thomas fighting the night before.

"Let's go," Minho groaned. The last thing he wanted was Thomas and Brenda drama. Hopefully, they'd make up or just avoid each other for the few hours they had to be together.

Once they made it to where the forest began, Minho grabbed his knife out of his pocket and kept a tight grip on it. Anything could happen at any moment and he had to be ready.

With little hesitation, they ventured into the jungle before them.

They wound through trees and stepped over roots silently for almost an hour and a half. Minho, who was at the lead, stopped suddenly when he saw a surprising blur of pink to his left. Whoever was behind Minho didn't stop quick enough and smashed into the back of him, sending him into the dirt face first.

"Sorry," Thomas muttered but couldn't hide his snickering.

"Thomas, you shuckfaced moron, watch where you and your two left feet are going," Minho grumbled, wiping dirt off of his nose and forehead.

"Why'd you st-" Thomas began to ask but was interrupted by a blood curdling scream that came from Brenda.

"What the hell are you hollering about?" Minho snapped as got himself back to his feet.

But, a reply was not needed. He saw exactly what had made her scream. Minho felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he took in what was in front of him. Two teenagers, a girl and a boy, where hanging from two separate branches of a towering tree with a rope around both of their necks. Their eyes were bulging, as if in constant terror, and they shared the same complexion that verified Minho's dark thoughts. They were dead and had been for hours now.

That was not was terrified Minho the most. It was the message carved into a wooden board, which was nailed to the tree, that made him shiver.

The message read: Leave our territory immediately or the killing will not stop. Munies are not welcome here.

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