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"That doctor...do you know him?" Lando curiously asked when he and George and Alex left the hospital. "Have you seen him before?"

George unlocked the car and opened the driver's door. "I have seen him before, checking Nora's stats. Haven't seen him for a while, though."

"That girl was in shock when she saw him," Alex smirked. "She fell pretty hard for him. Nora does have a type, you know."

"I don't see it," Lando replied to that.

Alex rolled his eyes. "Mate, type. The type."

"What?" Lando squeezed his eyebrows together. "Type, what type? You're acting all suspicious and mysterious, but I don't understand you."

George sat behind the steering wheel and closed the door. Alex stopped Lando from opening the door to get in the car.

"Mate," Lando sighed.

"You're blind, aren't you? Did you notice how George reacted on Nora, how he looked at her? And have you noticed George when that doctor was in the room? Jealous at first sight. He knows that doctor can be competition, it is far-fetched, I know. But blue eyes, blond hair, fit boy, cheeky smile..." Alex commented and grinned.

Lando smirked. "That is true. But Nora wouldn't fall for the doctor, it would make a good show though; doctor and patient."

"You never know."

George opened the door of the car again. "Ladies, are you done with your cute tea party? I would like to go home if you don't mind." He closed the door again and started the engine.

A laugh rolled over Lando's lips, and he and Alex stepped in the car. This was going to be interesting; the doctor, the hospitalised driver and the attractive driver.

"What took you so long?" George asked and drove away from the hospital.

A smile grew on Lando's face. "Dropped my phone." His eyes found Alex's, who had to hide his smile. "Anyway, when do you have to go back to the factory?"

...if you don't know yet, I'm an over-thinker. So if you don't give me an answer, I will come up with one. I don't know why, but deep inside I wish you would catch me staring at you. And even when we look at each other, I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine. Your beautiful stupid eyes...when I look at it, I dream away, I forget how to breathe, how to act normal. And the thing is...sometimes you make me feel like I actually have a chance with you, but when I try to take that chance, you make me realise I never really did. Sometimes I think I'm special to you, but then I realise you are acting the same with everyone else and I just...yup, that's cool, alright. I'm not that special, I guess.


"Not now," Nora mumbled and shook her head on the person who just entered the room.

I don't even know why I even bother to like you, to have feelings for you, because it's not like we will end up dating or being together. It's a bloody waste of my feelings and time. It's just...hearing your name makes me smile like an idiot. I want to hold your stupid hand, I want to hug you as much as possible without getting weird looks.

I want you.

Nora let her eyes glide over the freshly written sentences in her notebook. Her handwriting was messy and irregular, but what else could you expect from someone who was awake for only eleven days after a coma? It was getting better; the muscles in her arms were stronger - making her able to finally write on her own. Nora looked satisfied with her thoughts on paper. She put her signature under it and closed the book.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now