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The following days were beautiful and perfect. Nora and George shut down the hectic world around them, rested a lot and just enjoyed being together - it was something that they needed; an escape from the world. The trips they already had made were simple, but fantastic. They visited the local food market for the best street food, visited a few monuments and just relaxed. There were days they couldn't be without each other, but also a few moments they needed a moment for themselves. And walking around in swimming clothes was amazing.

Today was one of them. George spent the morning in the gym, decided to catch up with some mail and calls with his team for an hour and had a walk to clear his mind. Nora, on the other hand, did nothing much. She just laid on the huge sofa outside of the mansion, read a book, swam every now and then and ate.

George walked outside and looked around. Every time he looked at the view, the never-ending blue sea, he was speechless. He could stare at it for hours, but it would never bore him. The colour of the sea was continually changing, the clouds were changing their form, it never was the same. His eye glanced over the deck, where he found Nora laying in the shade on the sofa. He missed her. Yes, she still was around him this morning, being in the same mansion, but at the same time, George was on his own. He walked towards her and laid down next to her.

"Hey," Nora said, slightly surprised. She closed the book she was reading and lifted her arm.

"Hey," George mumbled and snuggled against Nora. He laid his head on her chest and wrapped his arms around him. "I was under the impression that I was not going to be tired today. But I am so tired."

She softly smirked. "Being on holiday is exhausting. But everything is finished how? How did it go?" She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Alright," he hummed. "Nothing too special. Very boring for computer work here, but they didn't give me a choice." He yawned and closed his eyes. The shade was perfect for sleeping; not too warm, a soft breeze from the sea. "Have you already made a choice?"

"Nope, don't think I'm ready to make a decision yet. I have two more days to think." She closed her eyes, as well. "Mercedes or Red Bull..."

"Hmm-hmm." It was challenging to stay awake for George. His breath slowed down, and all the muscles relaxed.

A smile curved on Nora's lips, he really was tired. She ran her fingers through his hair again and pressed a kiss on his forehead. Naps mid-day was something that hit different, especially on holiday. Nora was fighting against her body to fall asleep, but she knew she couldn't win it. Her muscles relaxed, and she fell asleep as well.

"Babe." George looked at Nora, who still was asleep. "Wake up." His fingertips traced the curves of her face. Nora's eyes opened, and she looked confusedly around before turning away from George. "The service just brought some fruit, drinks..." Nora didn't respond to that. "... and a puppy."

Nora turned back to George and looked at him. "A puppy? Like a cute, adorable, beautiful puppy?" She sat up and looked around, to see George wasn't speaking the truth entirely. "You moron."

A laugh rolled over his lips. "Actually, it's touching you choose puppies over food, and me, sometimes."

"That is not true," she yawned and stretched her arms. George raised his eyebrows. "Maybe... Sometimes..." She gave him a proud smile.

"Get yourself a girlfriend who won't choose another man over you, but a dog. Quite pathetic dogs are my competition."

Nora sat in front of him and wrapped her arms around George's neck. "I would choose you over anyone or anything," she said and gave him a long kiss. "I love you," she whispered.

"I know," he said and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you too." His eyes found hers, they both sparkled. "So much."

"I love you more."

"No, you don't."

"I do." Nora straightened her face and pressed her lips into a thin smile. "I love you 3000," she said, and a sweet, but cheeky smile grew on her face. This was the cut, George knew there wasn't anything he could use anymore to argue with.

"Whatever. I still love you more," George said and kissed her before letting her go.

Nora shook her head and sat down. "Nah." She ran her hand through her hair. "But you mentioned fruit?"

He looked neutral at her, she was teasing. "Yup," he sighed and placed a tray with all kinds of fruit on the bed. "On the hotel. Apparently, they rang the phone, knocked on the door, tried to make even the slightest bit of contact with us."

"Oh, didn't hear it," she said and grabbed a piece of pineapple.

"I nearly had a heart attack when they stood in the mansion, placing this on the table." He ate from it as well.

Nora smirked. "Great job, mate." Her eyes fell on the watermelon. "Watermelone!"

He grabbed his phone and pointed the camera at Nora. Her eyes found his and a massive smile grew on her face before looking at the camera. "We're gonna make a photo album when we are home."

She nodded satisfied. "Absolutely," she said and quietly continued eating. "This tastes just so much better than the fruit back some, way more taste and juiciness."

George agreed on it. They both looked at the sea again, it was a view they both absolutely would miss once they are home. There were just two days left, but they were planning on making it the best last two days.

Nora looked at George, and George knew something was on her mind. "What is it?" He looked at his girlfriend and waited for her answer.

"Still sad you lied about the puppies," she pouted.

He shared a disappointed look and sighed playfully. George got up and stuck out his hand. Nora looked at it, not understanding what was happening. "Come on," he said and made a sign she needed to grab his hand, so she did. He lifted up Nora in bridal style and walked towards the sea.

"George," Nora said on a serious tone and looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"One more word about a puppy, and I will throw you in the sea." He tried to stay serious, but a small smile came on his lips.

"You won't," she said convincedly and shook her head.

"I will."

"Bite me."


Nora gasped for air and looked with round eyes at him. George raised his eyebrow, and teasingly smiled. A cheeky smile grew on Nora's face. "Puppy." He had one more step towards the sea. "George," Nora said disapproving. "No. George!"

He jumped in the sea with Nora in his arms. If he was honest, he expected warmer water, but it was quite cold. They both came back above the water and looked at each other. They both were laughing.

"You moron," Nora mumbled. "It is that I love you; otherwise, I would have murdered you because this water is cold, my lord."

George wrapped his arms around her body, and Nora wrapped her legs around his waist. "That's why I did it," he winked. She smirked and stroke his hair out of his face. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now