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"I'm gonna have a check on Nora real quick," George mentioned Aleix. "And then I'm ready to go."

Aleix nodded. "Be quick, we are already on the late side."

George gave him a nod and stepped in the lift. He went back to his room. Today was qualifying day, he was pretty excited for this day. He was nervous, but also not. There wasn't a right word how he felt. When arriving in the dark hotel room, he turned on a small light. Nora was still laying in the same position as George left her this morning. A smile curbed on his lips, and he sat down next to Nora on the bed.

"Nora," he said, and his thumb was caressing her cheek. She was turned away from him, but she turned towards him; she looked so peaceful. "Wake up," he whispered.

Her eyes opened, and she let out a deep sigh. She blinked a few times and looked confused around; why waking me up? She looked at George, and a sleepy smile appeared on her face.

"Hey," he whispered and smiled.

"Hey," she muttered and closed her eyes for a moment.

"I'm going to the track now," he told her. She nodded. "It's nine o'clock now. Are you making sure you won't stay in bed for too long?"

Her eyes met his again. "No, I will have breakfast in a few. I will be there soon. If I don't make it to your practice, I will be at the qualifying." She sounded sleepy, not really sure was she was saying.

"Don't fall asleep," he smirked.

"No, no, no." Yes, yes, yes. Nora yawned. "Good luck with the practice."

George nodded. "Thank you," he replied and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I will see you later." She nodded. "And don't forget your medicines."

"I won't," she breathed. "Bye."

He got up and left the room. Perhaps it was a good thing George knew Nora well, because he knew she would sleep again. The night fell in England, meaning her body thought it was night. When he arrived at the service desk of the hotel, he asked something.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The woman behind the desk looked at George.

"Hi, good morning," he said. Aleix joined George. "I was wondering if there is an alarm call?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, that is part of our service."

"Great," he answered. "Is it possible to do an alarm call in room number 3907 around one o'clock this afternoon?" Maybe this was even better than an alarm.

"Yes, of course. Alarm call at one this afternoon is noted. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" The woman noted the request on the computer.

George politely smiled. "Thank you. That's it."

"You're welcome, sir. Good luck and have a nice day." Everyone at the hotel this weekend was a part of F1, so wishing everyone luck didn't do any harm.

"Have a nice day."

A terrible, loud, annoying sound filled the room. A groan left Nora's mouth, what the hell is that sound? She pulled the blanket over her head, and she sighed. It wouldn't stop. She pushed the blanket away and opened her eyes. A red light was flickering in the room. It was the telephone. Her hand reached for the receiver, and she brought it to her ear. 


"Good afternoon, Mrs Russell," a thick Australian accent began. "This is your alarm call."

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now