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Nora left the kitchen and yawned. It was Friday, almost evening, and the perfect night to spend in bed. The parents were out, and Aubrey just left to go to Maisie. The hood of her hoodie she was wearing was wrapped around her head, only her face was visible. Oscar walked next to her, following his boss.

"We will walk in a bit," she said. "I will finish the episode, then we will have a short walk, make some dinner and then we will go to bed. You can sleep in my bed, there's no one home, so no one will know."

They walked to the living room, but to Nora's surprise, people were sitting on the couch. She stopped walking, there is no one home, right? Her heart started to beat faster, and she held in her breath.

A laugh filled her ears. "That is just bullshit, just bullshit." It was Lando. Nora frowned, what is he doing here?

Alex snorted. "I'm not making this up."

"Dudes," Nora said and stood in front of the tv to face Lando, Alex and George. "What are you doing here?"

George smirked. "You look like an idiot."

She untied the strings of the hood and put it off. Her hair was a mess as well. Lando threw her hair elastic in her direction what was laying on the table. "Thanks," she mumbled and made a bun in her hair.

"Pizza evening." Lando reminder her.

"Oh, right." She looked away and blinked a few times; pizza evening? I forgot? "Yes, the pizza evening. Want something to drink?"

"You forgot," George said. "I will get something myself."

Lando and Alex agreed on that. Nora sat down on the couch next to George. "You didn't remind me last night," she replied. "Anyway, how did you get here? I didn't open the door."

"Aubrey left when we arrived," Lando said. It was silence again. "You were at Red Bull yesterday?" Nora raised her eyebrows. "You know I have sources all over the world. I know everything, Nora, everything. No, Max told me."

She let out a deep breath. "I got an offer." A smile faked on her lips. "But I don't know, I got more offers. I don't have to do my best to get a seat next year, people are already fighting for me, and I am not even able to drive."

"Offer for a seat?" A sparkle of panic glanced in Alex' eyes. Not because he is afraid to lose his seat, but at an offer at Red Bull means Nora is competition for next year. Even though Alex is driving for Toro Rosso, his dream is to end up at Red Bull.

"Yup. Well, they offered me to be their test and reserve driver next season when I am fully recovered...if I am fully recovered. But I'm not doing it," she shrugged and smiled.

"Mate, why not? This is a huge opportunity. I mean, congrats!" Lando didn't understand it.

"Who says I can drive next year? The same for Mercedes and McLaren. On what have they based I can drive next year? This weekend, where I was barely able to stand for an hour while watching you race? Nah, it's a no from me this time."

Nora, the girl who was made for this world, was declining everything that had to do with racing. She didn't say it out loud, but for the past few weeks, she has been saying things about stopping for good indirectly. The boys looked confused at each other.

She turned off the Netflix show and gave them a smile. "When are you going to Bahrain?"

"I'm flying on Monday morning," George answered.

"I have no idea," Lando said. "Probably Monday too. Are you joining us this time too?"

"No," she snorted. "I would love to, but I am not allowed to go."

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now