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"You okay?"

Nora's eyes found George's eyes when he stopped walking. She bit her lip and sighed.

"You know we can have a break, right? Or we can go back," George continued. "You don't have to act bigger than you actually are, Nora."

"I know," Nora mumbled. "I just..." she breathed and ran her hand through her hair. "I'm just annoyed. I want to walk around and just enjoy the moment, but I only can focus on the bloody pressure and tightness in my muscles." Her eyes fell on a few children who were running around. "I'm sorry, I'm not here to complain."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of," he comforted her. "You're still recovering."

"I feel like an elderly," she blurted. "No offence," she defended herself.

George chuckled. "No worries, I get it. So...have a break or go back? You're intensively walking for over ten minutes, we should go back."

"I can walk," she stubbornly said and nodded, she knew she couldn't, but she didn't want to admit it. Nora placed both her hands on her hips and bit her lip. "I can walk, we continue."

It wasn't looking right for Nora. George knew she was forcing herself to not let him down. And they were deep into the woods, so walking back might be a problem for Nora. "We're going back. And I will carry you because you cannot keep walking like that."

"Nope," Nora said and started to walk away from George.

George decided to wait. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and pressed his lips into a thin line. It wouldn't take long, he knew that. It was almost painful to watch, her movements looked so stiff.

Three steps, it was only three steps before Nora realised she couldn't walk anymore unless she took a long break. "Okay, maybe going back is the right option." She turned around and saw George standing on the same spot as a few minutes ago. "Have you been watching me?"

"Maybe..." He cheekily smiled and took two significant steps. "Jump on my back." Nora raised her eyebrows and shook her head stubbornly. "I can be nice, but this also can be done in a terrible way you will not like."

"Remind me again, George, why are you my friend? Because I didn't sign to this," she teasingly said and gave herself over. George straightened his face when looking at her. Nora bit on the inside of her lip to hide her smile.

"Thanks," he offendedly said.

"I'm joking," she innocently said. "I'm sorry." Nora gave him a real smile.

George gave her a casual wink, letting her know he knew she was messing around. He slightly went through his knees. "Jump."

Moments like this were frustrating: it made Nora realise how dependent she was of other people. She had the feeling she was asking too much for the help, or that people were helping her too much even when she didn't ask for it. Feeling guilty wasn't the right word to describe her feeling, but maybe over-helped? If that even is a word, she thought. Nora couldn't stand the fact that she needed help with everything and that there always had to be people around her; she was a person who liked to be on her own and alone. Everyone had sweet and lovely intentions, but it made her feel guilty.

Nora bit her lip and jumped on George's back. George wrapped his hands around her legs, and he walked towards the exit of the park. "If this fine with you?" She hung her arms over his shoulders and grabbed her own hand.

"Yes, I am," George replied. "You?"

"I'm okay."

The lights were dancing in the air like tiny fairies - at least it looked like that. A satisfied smile grew on Nora's lips when she was observing the woods, her mind stopped over thinking about stuff; she was enjoying the surroundings. However, it got disturbed. Not by something, but by one person. He's close, really close. She swallowed hard, and the heat rose to her cheeks. All she couldn't stop thinking about him, about Abu Dhabi. His cologne filled Nora's nose, it was his signature scent. And Nora adored it.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now