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The next day was harder than the day before. A sore throat was the only issue Nora had, apart from the tiredness. The next day the headache started, with pain all over her body. Seeing people, doctors and family was too much; Nora's head hurt even more when she heard people talking. Damien started with the first exercises on recovering, and doctor Kleine stopped by for some tests.

"We brought some stuff; your pillow, comfy clothes, some books..." mum said and placed two big shoppers filled with stuff on the ground. "Enough to get through those few weeks. And if you need anything else from home, just ask, and we will get it for you."

Nora smiled. "Thank you, mum." Her voice was still hoarse.

Maude grabbed Nora's pillow and walked towards the bed. Nora sat up, and her mum replaced the hospital pillow for her own pillow.

"How's Linus? And Fabian and Sofia?" Nora made herself comfortable again. Although she was feeling like shit, she tried to make a conversation.

"School starts again for Fabian and Sofia, they have been asking for you," Maude told her and sat down on the chair next to the bed. Nora softly smiled. "And Linus is working, trying to distract himself from the situation. He was so relieved when he received the news you were awake again." Linus was Nora's stepdad and Fabian her half brother, making Sofia her half sister.

Nora nodded. "When are you going back to Switzerland?"

"I don't know yet when I feel like I have to go back. I will stay here for you, darling. Your recovery is a priority."

Nora's eyes were staring at the ceiling. Her headache started to reduce, luckily, but the pressure was still there. "Did you bring my notebook?"

"Ow, no, I'm sorry, I forgot."

"It's fine," she sighed. "It's not I can write anyway. What date is it?"

Maude looked at her phone. "Fourth of January." She unlocked her phone and got distracted by a text.

It became quiet in the room. The beeping sound of the monitors was annoying, even though the beeps were almost silence. Nora turned away from her mum and closed her eyes. One thing she knew for sure was that she didn't have the patience for the recovery. Laying in bed, being unable to move around...it was not her cup of tea. And not being able to watch tv or Netflix. Reading time it is. Nora loved to read, but for an hour, and that's it. Or writing things down, it was like clearing her mind. But not being able to do those things, was frustrating.

A few knocks on the made Nora open her eyes and turning to the door. Her eyes fell on a tall man who was wearing a huge smile on his face.

"Hey," he said.

Nora tried to sit up after a few attempts it worked. "George," she said surprised, and a smile grew on her lips. "What are you doing here?"

He entered the room. "I brought you your favourite smoothie and something to eat," he said and placed a brown paper bag on the end of the bed. "That's fine, right?" George asked Maude.

"Yeah, yeah," Maude nodded and got up from the chair. "I will leave you two alone. Your dad will visit you after dinner. I will see you tomorrow, sweetie. Take care, okay?"

Nora looked back at her mother and nodded. "See you tomorrow, mum. I love you," she said.

Her mother gave her a kiss on her cheek and got her coat on. "Love you too," she smiled and stepped away from the bed. "George," she said and gave him a nod. George gave her a smile. "Alrighty, bye, guys!" Maude walked away.

George took off his coat and hang it over the stool. "How are you feeling?" He sat on the seat and unpacked the bag. He got two smoothies; two small strawberry and yoghurt smoothies, and a chocolate chip cookie.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now