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Small sunlights escaped from under the curtains. This room was lit up, light enough for George to study Nora's face. She was still asleep, she looked so peaceful. The corners of George's mouth were curled up. He was laying on his side, just as Nora, and they were facing each other, only George was awake. She was just so adorable to watch; her soft pink lips were slightly parted, her face was relaxed what gave her a delicate appearance. George couldn't help himself on stroking a lost piece of hair behind her ear.

Her eyes opened, and two pair of brown eyes appeared. Nora looked up and found George's eyes. "Hey," she muttered and smiled while closing her eyes again.

"Good morning," George said.

Nora turned on her back and stretched her body before laying on the same position again. She opened her eyes again and looked at George again.

"Slept well?"

She nodded and pulled the covers up to her chin. "You?" A yawn left her mouth.

"Good as well. Are you alright? No weird dreams or scary thoughts?"

She nodded again, still not awake enough to answer appropriately. "Nothing weird," Nora mumbled and pressed her nose in the blanket, the laundry detergent filled her nose, it smelled like George.

Their eyes met again, this time for a longer time. They were glancing in each other's eyes, taking it all in. Nobody knew for how long they were observing each other and it didn't matter, it was restful on this morning.

Suddenly George turned on his back, facing away from Nora and sneezed. It happened so quickly, Nora didn't see it coming. A shock went through her body, and she also turned away from him, making her roll to the edge of the bed. Fingers wrapped around her wrist and she got pulled back, saving her from falling off the bed. Her heart missed a beat.

George started to laugh at her reaction. "I'm sorry," he laughed.

Her eyes were big, and her facial expression was scared. "Bloody hell, nearly gave me a heart attack," she whispered and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," he said again and smiled. His laugh was still filling the room.

"Bless you," she said. "Stop laughing, it isn't funny," she chuckled.

George let go of her wrist. "It was," he smirked. "Anyway, shall we eat some breakfast?"

Nora nodded. "Sure," she replied.

They both got out of bed. George grabbed a sweater from his closet and got it on. He saw the goosebumps on Nora's arms. "Hoodie?" A satisfied look played on his face; she was wearing his sweatpants and a shirt, it looked good on her.

"Yeah," she mumbled. George wanted to grab a clean hoodie. "Can I wear that hoodie you wore yesterday?" A flush raced up to her cheeks, how did I even get the strength to ask that?

A smile grew on his face. "Of course," he said and gave her the burgundy red hoodie. A warm feeling flushed through his body. "I will be in the living room," he said and left her alone in the bedroom to give her some space.

Nora was too lazy to get changed, and what did it matter now? George already saw her like this, and even at moments where she looked worse than now. Nora put on the hoodie and made a bun in her hair while walking to the living room.

"What do you want for breakfast?" George asked.

"Whatever you have," she said and grabbed her bag, grabbing her meds.

George looked at her and straightened his face. "I don't have that, Nora," he playfully said.

Nora rolled her eyes. "Then make twice the amount of your breakfast," she shot back. They both laughed. "I don't know, what do you have for breakfast?" She placed the box with pills on the kitchen counter and grabbed a glass of water. "It's too late, I was supposed to take those an hour ago," she smirked.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now