Forgive and Forget Father

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Bryan's POV~
As we hear the yelling, the door broke down by Springtrap and Jon was trailing behind him with a depressed look. "Why are we here?", he glares at him, "You know... When people say, let's bring the house down... I don't think they meant it literally.", they both turn their attention towards me, "SHUT UP, BRYAN!!!", I feel hurt that Jon yelled at me, that's what I hate the most, being yelled at, I can feel the tears threatening to fall, Michael defended me. "Shut up Jon! Leave my little brother alone!", he rolls his eyes, "Whatever...", he leans against the wall and starts reading something, Springtrap glared at him and turned to look at us, "Dad... I uh...", he cut Michael off, "There is no need to explain this, I already know...", he turns to look at me, "I understand if you can't forgive me... All the thing I've done... I just hope you can forgive me for what I did...", I feel so touched by this, I walk carefully towards him.

Sprintrap's POV~
I waited him to punch me. I'm gonna die. I feel something hug me, I open my eyes to see Bryan was hugging me," I don't care what you did or what happened... I just want too see my family...", I over come my shock and huged him back, "I missed you... So much...", I feel like this is one of the best things that ever happened... I love him, I drag the rest of the family over. We all do a family hug, I feel complete, I pull away and wipe the tears from my eyes, "This will go down as the best day!", for the first time in, what seems like forever, Michael smiled, "Yep... I'm glad this happened. Well, minus the part about the doctor and lieing to us about him being dead."

Jon's POV~
I watch this from the stage, I have never seen something so disgusting, I roll my eyes at the Afton's but has soon as I do, someone kicked me and I fell over," Ruin this moment, I'll kill you off! ", I stare in confusion but the girl disappeared before I could grab her, I shake my head and just watch this unfold. This is so stupid. I lean against the speakers, my eyes drifted to Rockstar Freddy, I roll my eyes and him too, as soon as I do, his hand started to twitch and he opened his eyes, I let out the most girliest scream in the world. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

**Yeah!!!! I finally got the chapter done! I hope you guys enjoy this!!**

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