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It was a rough night from the start. And everyone knew it was gonna happen more sooner than later. And just the four that were there rushed into action.

The baby had broken Bella's spine and in the mids of all the chaos, Edward had to spring into action to get the baby out his wife before she died right there on the table.

"Change her! You gotta change her." Jacob snapped out desperately at the side of Bella he heard her loud screams and cries as the pain crashed down on her like a wildfire.

"I can't not while he still in there I gotta get him out first." Edward was trying to be calm through the storm but he was shaking with worry. As quickly as he quickly he started working to get the baby out, while still having to hear her loud cries.

Before in the room, a small weak cry was heard. Even through the pain. Bella weakly looked to see Edward covered in blood holding a baby, and even Jacob was peering to see.

"It's Reneseme." He whispered a faint smile making its way across his face, but then he glanced just to his surprise to see another little small body covered in blood curled up.

"Another." He whispered in shock scooping down he also picked up another fragile body. And when no cries left the other baby he grew worried until two eyes popped open and he saw green eyes.

Green he remember he had when he was human. Brown truffles of hair and green eyes. Twins. Two girls. And the name just slipped out of Edward's mouth with ease.

"Phoebe Elizabeth Mason Cullen."   Edward looked up, when Bella demanded if she could hold them both and he placed them both in her arms.

Even in her state of shock Bella's eyes focused on Renesmee first since little teeth popped out from her gum a loud crying leaving her.

Edward swooped in to hold Renesmee. While Bella stared at Phoebe with little tears "so beautiful." She managed to crack out smiling faintly.

Edward instantly noticed something was wrong and picked up Phoebe as well. "Jacob take them," Edward demanded watching Jacob started to attempt to give Bella CPR and mouth to mouth noticing her heart was fading.

"Keep those things away from me." He snapped Edward was desperate but then Rosalie appeared looking more composed than earlier.

"Edward here I'll take them, I'm okay I promise." She pleaded. Giving her a stern look he places both the twins in her grip getting to work on trying to revive Bella.

Rosalie took her time to give the two wide awake girls a small bath in the sink to rid them of the blood, placing Renesmee in a cute dress, alongside with Phoebe placing some socks, and little mittens on her to make sure she didn't scratch at her face.

"You have pretty eyes don't you," Rosalie whispered with a smile placing Phoebe in the small cot before she sat in front of the fireplace with Renesmee holding her close.

She left the small curious girl in the cot cooing and kicking her feet making little coos and stuff out. She had no idea to what was going around her and outside.

Still, in his hurt and agonizing state, Jacob made his way to where the twins were hoping to make the ache fade. Unknown to him Leah had made her way inside the house already hearing a lot of his loud thoughts through the mind link.

She was annoyed and frustrated. Walking through the doorway she heard the blonde-haired leach cooing to what she only knew was the one baby. And a small loud cry made her stop as soon as she passes by the cot.

"What the hell," Leah grumbled loudly, moving her short hair from her face. She thought there was only one baby.

So when she peered down in the cot. Her eyes slowly went wide with shock, and for just a moment she held her breath when she met the large green eyes staring back at her.

It felt like gravity itself had left her, and all the mattered was this small baby, she would be anything the girl needed. A sister, a friend, a lover. A protector.

Leah's eyes went wide and she was pulled away hearing the loud cooing and gurgling seeing a smile going across the baby's face.

Leah just imprinted. She snapped her head up fast, her heartbeat hammering away. She didn't have time to even react before she had to rush outside hearing the loud growling and snarling coming near the forest.

Her heartfelt like it was gonna race right out of her chest and fall to the ground, but with the information that there wasn't just one. But two twins and one was her imprint she had to protect her.

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