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I was in my room watching the clock. Why may you ask, well I was waiting for everybody to be asleep. I'm gonna see why Virgil has been ignoring me, but to do that I have to find his diary but I'm not even sure if it's a diary. All I know is that he's always writing in it and never lets anyone look at it. Even patton and that's saying something. This is still really risky though because he's a very light sleeper and has nightmares a lot, but i have to do this because i can't stand not seeing him and his adorable face-what you didn't hear anything. Back to topic the only times i get to see him are when he's sleeping cents i don't really need to sleep. It's now about 10 oclock which means that everybody should be asleep by now. I go and walk out of my room and go to his.  I open the door to see him lying in bed fully asleep curled up in the fetus position as usual. I go to the desk in the corner of his room. There on the desk was the book he always writes in. It's a black background with different shades of purple swirling in it. I pick it up and quietly start to go through it.

- 1  week later-

I had found out why virgil was ignoring me and I was quite surprised but happy my feelings for him were returned. So knowing that i had started subtly flirting with him. Nothing much just winking at him and every now and again using a pickup line. But whatever I did I could not get him to blush and I had made it my goal to make him blush and so far nothing was working. But I won't give up-wait I have an idea.

-Two days later-

It was time to execute the plan. I saw Virgil in the kitchen baking cookies by himself. I walked up behind him and hugged him from behind while kissing his cheek peek. He squeaked and flushed a bright red and I smirked it had worked.

360 words

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