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"Can you picture it? Me and you together?"

"I got you a drink." I said handing JJ a beer. "Thanks y/n."

We sat on John b peir watching the sun set over the water.

"How's you a Jess?" I asked JJ. He nodded "we're good." It was an awkward silence after.
"She dosnet do a lot. She just wants to watch TV with me." He said sighing.

"How are you and Matt?" He asked. I nodded. "We're okay." I sighed and kicked the water with my foot. "He ditches me everytime we go out together."

JJ laughed alittle "guess both our love life's aren't too well." I nodded and took a drink of my beer.

"Can you picture it? Me and you together?" Jj asked. I looked at him confused.  "Hypothetically." He shrugged.

I nodded "I know you wouldn't stand me up or leave me in the middle of dinner. I know you wouldn't talk to me about football until my ear fell off." I giggled.

"Well you don't when cable so I know you wouldn't make me watch TV with you all the time. You'd go fishing with me and sneak out with me to go late night swimming." He smiled.
"I know you'd tell me you love me every day." He continued looking me in the eyes.

"And you'd tell me how gorgeous I looked every day, even if I didn't." I said.

"You always look gorgeous." He whispered. I smiled and leaned in towards the boy. His lips met mine and I smiled into the kiss.

"Maybe we don't have to imagine."

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