JJ/john b sister

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"I'm having sex with your sister"


I sat next to my twin brother John b on the couch of our home, him playing with a piece of paper and me drawing on my hand anxiously.

Me and JJ had been secretly dating for awhile now and I told JJ I wanted to tell JB. I knew JB wasn't going to take it well since his idea of a perfect relationship was me with zero guy.

"What's up with you?" He asked me.

I looked up quickly. "What?"

He never looked up from the small paper he was folding. "You only draw on your skin when your anxious." He said flicking the paper away, he turned to me, "so I ask again. What's up?"

I took a shakey breath and looked at my brother. "Please don't get upset."

He groaned. "I already hate where this conversation going."

I clicked the pen a few times anxiously. "I have a boyfriend."

He laughed alittle but then his face fell. "What."

My face twisted and I clicked the pen a few more times. "I told you to not to get upset."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Your right, your right. I should support you like you support me and Sarah."
He opened them up and smiled a forced smile. "So who's my future brother in law?"

About that time the door to the chateau swung open and JJ appeared. "Hey yo twindles." He smiled making extra long eye contact with me.

I moved closer to John b on the couch so JJ could sit next to me. "Dang bro your face is really red what are we talking about?"

"Y/n was just telling me how she has a boyfriend."

JJ looked at me. "Oh we're doing that today?"

John b looked at JJ confused. "You knew?"

He nodded. "Oh yeah man. I was the first person to know."

I giggled lightly and nodded. "He was."

"You told JJ before your own brother?" JB said scrunching his eyebrows.

I patted JJ chest and leaned back against the couch. "I'm taping out your in."

"My turn?" He asked making me nodded. "I'm having sex with your sister."

I gasped and slapped JJ square across the face. "Ow!" He said put his hand against it.

"JJ Maybanks maybe alittle more Suttle next time? Like hey john b I love your sister and we're dating?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah I'm loving her alright."

I let out a groan and looked over at John b who was red from ear to ear with the blankest expression on his face ever.

"John b ignore JJ." I said almost as a whisper.

"Please tell me JJ is not the guy your dating. Out of all the people in the world you chose JJ." He said rubbing his face.

"I chose her but yeah we are." JJ said smiling at John b annoyance.

"Fine fine I don't even care anymore." He said raising his hands and standing up and walking out the door.

"Well that went better than expected." I said resting just head on JJ shoulder.

"That it did princess."


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