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This was part of the first chapter of my failed JJ book so enjoy and leave request Bc I don't have an imagination anymore.


"I don't know where it is Y/n!" JJ yelled at me.
I stood there, water hose in one hand and the other on my hip. I had one eyebrow raised staring at the boy infront of me.

"Liar!" I yelled pushing the Handle on the nozzle spraying JJ. He stood there eyes closed annoyed as the water sprayed him in the face. I let go and he opened them, spitting water out of his mouth and shaking his hair like a wet dog.

"Now I'll ask again. Where are my shoes." I huffed.

JJ tried to hold back a smile as he shook his head. "Haven't seen them." His eyes darted to the roof of the house and I turned around looking on top of John b house.

I let out a loud groan seeing my shoes were thrown on the very top.

"JJ I'm going to hurt you." I growled turning around already seeing JJ running.

I sprinted after him as he did laps around John b house.

"You both are stupid!" Kie yelled from the porch. I flipped her off as I passed her. JJ laughed now skipping infront of me, a huge smile on his face.

A small smirk came on face as I saw the water hose nozzle placed right where he had ran. I let my foot get caught on it and I hit the ground alittle harder than expected to be honest.
I let the tears stream down my face as I let out an audible scream.

When I was younger when I would ask my brother to do something for me or help me with my homework, would always throw some tears in there just to sell it. That led me to be the queen of fake crying on command and right now it seemed to be working.

I grasped my foot and bit my lip as if I was trying not to scream again. I looked over at kie who looked at me amused knowing what I was doing. she held her hand over John b chest who had stood up and was about to run over.

"N/n? N/n are you okay?" JJ asked running over nealing infront of me, face filled with concern.

"JJ my foot." I cried holding onto my foot tightly.

"Can I see it?" He asked rubbing my arm softly.

I almost felt bad for pretending, he was being so nice. Almost.

"It's broken." I winced.

"Okay um. I'll go get your shoes and then we'll go to the hospital okay?" He said. I nodded and he stood up and walked up to the porch, climbing on to the roof.

He threw my shoes down and I smirked standing up.

"Thank you." I said sing song as I grabbed them putting them on.

"Oh you son of a-" he started but I held up my finger to stop him. "Daughter actually." I corrected walking up to the porch holding up my hand and helping him down.

He glared at me before scooping me up in his arms and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Maybanks put me down. We're even don't make it uneven." I huffed hitting his back. He ran to John b peir before patting my back and throwing me into the water.

"JJ!" I yelled coming up for air completely soaked

"Now we're both wet." He smiled.

"I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten." I huffed grabbing JJ hand as he pulled me up out of the dock.

He rolled his eyes. "Now we're even."

I raised and eyebrow at him before pushing his shoulders back and let him fall off the peir hitting the water.

"Now we are." I said smiling at he came up out of the water, spitting some out.

I waved at him before walking off the pier towards John b house, ringing out my shirt on the way.

"You both are children." Kie said as I sat next to her on the couch. I shrugged. "He started it."

John b snorted and shook his head.

"But hey I got my shoes back." I smiled wiggling my feet.

JJ walked on the porch coughing. "I think I swallowed a fish."

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