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This is another chapter from a diffrent book I wrote but didn't like :) I have so many drafted books
"Hi Mr. Carrera." I said smiling at kies dad. He smiled back at me. "Hi y/n. Mango smoothie?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. I always seemed to order one whenever I came. "You know me so well."

"Are you going to flirt with kies dad the whole time or come sit down?" Sarah asked. I hit her shoulder and glared at her. "Sarah Cameron." I scolded. Kie was already at a table socializing with her Friends.

I walked next to Sarah as she approached the table, a big smile covered my face.

"Guys this is my bestist friend Y/n." Sarah said.

"Hey." I said as Sarah sat down next to John b, kissing him on the lips. I sat down next to her. Kei infront of Sarah, Pope infront of JB and a blonde boy infront of me.

"I've heard about you and you but I don't think I even know your name." I smiled lightly at the boy infront of me.

"Gosh you don't talk about me kie?" He asked. Kie shook her head "not at all."

"I'm JJ, but you can call me anytime you'd like." JJ said winking.

"See I would but I actually lost my phone number. Could I borrow yours?" I said tilting my head alittle to the side, smiling innocently.

"She's good." John b said earring a nod from Sarah.

About that time kies dad sat down my smoothie infront of me. "On the house."

"Thank you Mr. carrera."

"Can I get one on the house?" JJ asked.

"No." Mr. Carrera said walking away making me laugh.

"What can I say? I'm his favorite." I smirked taking a sip of my drink.

Everyone had gone into there own conversations which led me and JJ to talk alittle.

"So your like really good?" I asked.

"Best in the OBX." He said cockily.

"In little league or..?" I asked Tilting my head alittle.

He smiled alittle bit "What about you? You surf?"

I shook my head "I have an intense fear of the ocean."

Jj laughed "no kidding?"

I shook my head and pulled my leg out to the side showin a bunch of squiggly scars. "Huge jellyfish I don't even know what kind it was." I laughed alittle. "4 years ago i think. Haven't been in the ocean since."

"Woah it looks cool." He said. I smiled lightly moved my leg back under the table.
"I love fishing though. I just avoid getting into the water."

"Maybe we could go together sometime." JJ said making me blush. I looked away towards the door to hide it and My face fell. I groaned rubbing my face knowing I was about to get some sort of leacture. "Crap." I mumbled.

"What's up?" Jj said looking towards the door, his face twitched alittle seeing topper, rafe, and kelce.

I ran a hand threw my hair as I heard the clapping of toppers flip flops. "Ella what are you doing?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "eating same as you."

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