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'Are you jealous ?'

"Pope put me down!" I yelled laughing hitting my boyfriends back as he ran into the water.

"You sun bathe too much!" He said setting me down in the water. I huffed and went under to get my hair wet and I slicked it back.

"We should have brought our boards." He grumbled looking at the waves. I smiled at rapped my arms around his neck. "Well you can just spend time with me." I said smiling and he kissed me. The water around me splashed and I sighed "and JJ." I mumbled

"Hey guys!" Jj said swimming to where we were.

"Hey JJ." I smiled at the boy and pope almost sighed. I patted his chest and let go of him.

"We should have brought our boards! Look at these waves." He said looking out to the water. "You should go get them ." Pope mumbled.

"Wanna come help me y/n?" Jj asked and I shrugged "sure." Jj nodded and I started walking towards him before pope grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"Babe." He mumbled looking at me. "I'm just going to get our boards okay? Do you wanna come with us?" I asked looking at him. He nodded.

"We'll meet back up okay JJ?" I told him and he nodded.

As me and pope were walking to my house and stayed quiet. "What if we just leave him." He asked. I looked at him confused "pope JJ your best friend." He rolled his eyes at me and I slapped his shoulder. "Don't roll your eyes at me boy."

"Have you seen the way he looks at you? It's like I'm not even there." Pope huffed. I turned towards my boyfriend

"Are you jealous?" I asked him and popes head fell.

"Yes! Okay? JJ gets every girl he looks at and I don't want him to get you too."

I stopped and put my hand on his cheek. "Babe I'm not going anywhere."

He smiled and kissed my hand.

"Now how bout we stay at my house?" I smiled at him.

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