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'You deserve someone who values you'

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I wrapped my jacket around me a little tighter as I checked the time once again. 47 minutes late. After 11 unread text messages and 2 unanswered calls I assumed my date wasn't coming.

It seemed as this was a reacuring thing for me, getting stood up on dates. I sighed whiped my eyes and stood up and walked to my car getting in. I don't understand why I even tried to date If all I did was get stood up.

I drove to The château where all my friends were hanging out. I would have much rather hung out with them than get dressed up in my shortest dress, my tallest heels, and curled my hair for two hours.

I got out of my car and walked up to the porch. "Y/n your back! That was a short date. Was it small?" JJ asked.

I huffed and threw my purse on the couch, opening up the cooler grabbing a beer and siting down next to Kie.

"He didn't bother showing up." I said opening the tab and taking a large gulp of it.

"I'm sorry y/n. Guys are dumb anyways you don't need them." Kie said patting my thigh.

"Yeah we're dumb." John b agreed.

"Well thanks but that doesn't make me feel much better."

"Most guys that stand girls up on dates are self conscious of there own selfs and use standing other people up to reflect there own self loathing." Pope said.

I laughed alittle. "Thanks pope."

"You just deserve someone that values you." JJ said. My smile fell and I looked at the boy thoughtfully. I smiled a small smile at him and took another sip of my beer.

"Yeah I think I do."


Sorry this is short.

Y'all leave request for me to do!

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