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'I domt expect you to change. I don't want you too'

I slammed the door of my boyfriends rafe house and huffed walking down the road. I can't believe I walked this far just to get in a fight with my boyfriend.
"This is why I don't date pogues." He had yelled at me making me stop in my tracks and walk out his door.

We were fighting about how i never seemed to fit up to his standards. My dress is too short, too long. My hair dosnet match the occasion or my tennis shoes had a few two many dirt stains on it for the place we were at.
It started when I asked him if he was ashamed of me because I lived in the cut. And I sure got my answer all right.

I turned around as I heard the sound of a bike and I scoffed seeing rafe drivibg towards me. "Great." I muttered wiping my tears from my face composing my self.

The bike stopped and rafe hoped off throwing his helmet on the ground.

"Baby I'm sorry." He said and I scoffed. "No rafe this time you actually hurt me. You don't get to drive up and say a sorry and it all be fine."

"I don't expect you to change. I don't want you to change" he said,

"I love you for the way you are. I dont care if you grew up with wolves I'd still love you."

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