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'People will talk. Let them. I don't mind.'

I waited in line to get my drink filled at the keg when a armed rapped around my waist. "Hey babe." He whispered and I smiled, putting my hand on his. "Hey top."

Me and topper had been secretly dating for the past months. Him being a kook and me being a pogue, it would ruin his reputation. He was very out spoken on his hate for Pogues until one day he ran into y/n Rutledge and fell in love.

He whiped his hand out from around and waved at rafe and kelce who were walking up.

"Dude this girl over there won't shut up about you. I think you could lay her." Kelce said standing next to topper. "I'm good." Topper said.

"What's been up with you lately? You never wanna go out or anything!" Rafe huffed. Topper smiled to himself "I got a girl."

Kelce and rafe almost groaned at the same time. "And you didn't tell us?" Topper shook his head "nah y'all would ruin it."

I smiled to my self listening to there conversation.

"She's a pogue." He said and I was almost shocked that he said it. We had plenty of conversation about how it was okay that he was ashamed of me but he always told me he wasn't.

"Your joking." Rafe said. Topper shook his head and smiled "y'all would meet her some time." Rafe and Kelce scoffed and walked out of the line. Topper grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Hi." He said and I smiled at him. "Hi."

He leaned in and kissed me and I smiled into the kiss. I broke away and looked over at rafe and Kelce who were talking to them self glaring at us.

"People will talk. Let them. I don't mind." He said and leaned back in for another kiss.

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