Dal Time

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to an empty room. I'll admit I'm quite upset that Pony was no longer next to me. I felt good with him by my side. I wonder if Dally saw Pony and I in this bed. God I wonder what he did.

I sat up and looked around. My eyes focused on the clock above the door. It was 3:56a.m. I groaned and got up. I opened my door slowly trying not to get attention from any near by doctor. I tip toed to room 45B and slowly opened it. Johnny was sleeping, he let out quiet but still audible snores. He looked peaceful while sleeping. I walked over to him and placed a long kiss on his forehead.

"I love you Johnny. You remind me of myself and I promise I'll get you out of your parents house I promise you that. One day I will help you. You just have to be tough and push threw. God if anything happened to you I don't know what Dal would do. I see the way he looks at you. Its with care and love. The only other person I've ever seen him look like that at is me and I'm his sister. Gosh the things you've gone through. None of this should of happened. I'm so sorry Johnny. I'm so so sorry" I placed my head on his bed and held back a sob. I sat up and wiped my nose and stood up. I made it to the door when a little voice piped up

"Sophie" I turned and saw Johnny sitting up rubbing his eyes. I froze realizing he heard me.

"Come here Soph" He moved over and I got in his bed next to him. I laid my head on his chest and let out a deep sigh.

"I heard all of what you said. I love you too Sophie. I appreciate you so much and thank you for wanting to help me. But what you said about Dal?" I looked up at him. Our eyes met and my heart melted. Oh no not that feeling.

"I know, it shocks me too because hes so tough and hard, but I see it Johnny I really do. He cares about you more than anything and I don't know what he would do if anything happened to you or me. He'd explode" I laid my head back down and closed my eyes. I was slowly drifting off when Johnny lightly shook me.

"You gotta get back to your room Sophie before a doctor see us and gets mad"

I nodded in agreement and got up. I walked back to my room and laid down.

What am I doing? I've caught feelings for Ponyboy and now Johnny? AND I kissed Sodapop. God whatta whore. I laughed at my own thought because I'm hilarious. I closed my eyes once more and finally fell back asleep.

I woke up to Dallas shaking me.

"Wake up kid sis you get to leave"

"WOOOOOOOEEEEEE!!" I hopped up and grabbed the bag of my clothes from Dallas's hand. I changed quickly and chucked the hospital gown in the garbage.

"What about Johnny? When can he leave?" Dal shrugged. He slung and arm over my shoulder and we walked to Johnny's room. He sat up smiling at me and Dally.

"Hi Johnny boy! I'm leavin, I don't know when you can leave though" He looked down a little sad.

"It's ok I'm sure it'll be in a few days"

I nodded at him then walked out with Dally. I smiled finally being out of that trash ass hospital with its trash ass food.

"TAKE ME TO GET FOOOOOOOD!" Dal looked at me shocked by my sudden out burst. I smiled and skipped toward Dairy Queen with him on my tail. We walked in and sat in a booth in the far back. Dally looked around as if he was expecting someone to be here.

"I'm going to go order" He got up and went to the counter. I looked out the window at the clouds. They were big and gray. A storm was probably coming. A person appeared in front of me. I thought it was Dally and smiled but once I saw who it was I sent him a death glare.

"What the fuck do you want" It was the buff dude that rocked my shit. He just smiled at me.

"What a guy can't sit with such a doll?" I crossed my arms. Where the fuck is Dallas.

"Go away I want nothing to do with you. You're lucky I didn't kill you the other night because I would have if Johnny wasn't there. Oh by the way FUCK YOU and your ugly ass friends!" I slammed my fists on the table, earning stares from the people in front of us. He just smirked at me.

"I love it when you're mad. I wonder what you look like naked" He winked. I felt my blood boil. I socked in right in the face, hearing a snap indicating I broke his nose. I smiled and sat back and watched him hold his now bleeding nose.

"YOU BITCH!" He was about to grab me when Dally walked over.

"I wouldn't do that If you want to live to see another day" Dally set the food down and grabbed the dude by his collar.

"Listen here Paul! You leave my kid sister alone you hear? Or your nose won't be the only thing broken!" He threw this Paul dude to the ground and slid into the booth. Paul got up and ran out the door.

"Pretty tough for someone as small as you" I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Who do you think taught me?" He looked at me and smile another genuine smile. I liked seeing Dally like this. Reminds me of his old self before he came here and turned into a greaser. I enjoyed this alone time with my older brother. Once we go back to the gang he changes back to his tough guy side.

"I missed you Dally. I really did, I should have ran a long time ago" He just looked down chewing what was in his mouth. He then shook his head and looked out the window.

"I'm not even financially stable for myself Soph. It was better you were there with a roof over your head then here running with me" I frowned. I was going to say something but he cut me off.

"Lets just forget anything from before. Start a new life without them. Just us and the gang and whoever comes along the way. Forget about everything from the past" I swallowed hard. I don't know how I'm suppose to do that.

"Dal I don't think you understand what I went through. Not saying you haven't gone through anything, but I just can't forget the last 6 years. The abuse, the trauma, the neglect that just doesn't leave me. I physically cannot be by any old men without thinking they'd do the same thing to me our father did. I can't get the words they said to me out of my head when I lay down at night. I want a restart, I want a new life, but you can't expect me to just forget my brother leaving me with monsters whether you knew they abused me or not"

Dally didn't look at me. Tears stung at my eyes threatening to fall. He looked at me with rage and sarrow.

"I should have grabbed you. I should have so many years ago" He then mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I knew"

I froze. He WHAT!?

"YOU KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING TO ME AND YOU DIDN'T HELP ME!?" I got out of the booth and stormed out of the restaurant.

"SOPHIE WAIT!" I didn't. I started running as fast as I could. I ran through neighborhoods trying to loose him. I finally did and stopped to catch my breath. I walked to the Curtis's crying my heart out. I can't believe Dallas. Maybe he wasn't as nice as I thought and maybe all those rumors of him being a selfish cunt who didn't about anyone else but himself were true.

WC: 1386

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